Pushcart Players Artistic Director Performs in TWELVE ANGRY MEN
by Julie Musbach - Oct 29, 2019
Pushcart Players Artistic Director, Paul Whelihan will be performing in the classic drama, TWELVE ANGRY MEN with The Company Theatre Group, Hackensack NJ. The play runs at The Hackensack Performing Arts Center from Friday, November 8 through Sunday November 17, 2019.
BWW Review: Jonathan Leaf Explores The Roots Of Second Wave Feminism With Singular Artistry and Rigor in THE FIGHT
by Victoria Ordin - Nov 11, 2017
The very title of THE FIGHT encourages us to imagine the rivalry between Phyllis Feinberg (Fleur Alys Dobbins) and Doris Marguiles (Judith Hawking)--obviously fictional names for Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan---in pugilistic terms.Deftly directed by Peter Dobbins, artistic director for the Storm Theater Company (which is currently in its twentieth season), Leaf's meticulously researched play explores the ideological and personal conflicts within Second Wave feminism, taking the 1973 meeting of the National Woman's Caucus in Houston as its dramatic focal point. Like his last work, Deconstruction, THE FIGHT is part-mystery and part-intellectual history. Profiled as an 'up and coming playwright' and compared to Saul Bellow in Timeout New York, Leaf's signature is the sustained, careful exposition of concepts and characters through sharp, witty, realistic dialogue. One thinks of George Eliot's line in Daniel Deronda's Book II: 'The moment of finding a fellow-creature is often as full of mingled doubt and exultation as the moment of finding an idea.' Leaf's plays are cerebral yet full of emotion, 'mingl ing ' ideas with with their messy human manifestations in ways Eliot, an irreducibly philosophical novelist, would approve.