Atlanta's LGBTQ Film Festival OUT ON FILM Announces Lineup
by Michael Major - Sep 7, 2022
The Oscar qualifying film festival, which was included on MovieMaker Magazine’s “50 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee” list, once again offers a diverse selection of films from highly anticipated studio efforts to independent films, and international to local Georgia and Atlanta productions as part of its carefully curated hybrid presentation.
Photo Flash: Inside The Lambda Legal National Liberty Awards
by A.A. Cristi - May 10, 2019
Last night, Lambda Legal, the nation's oldest and largest LGBT legal organization hosted the 2019 National Liberty Awards, last night at Pier Sixty, Chelsea Piers, in New York City. The evening honored former Executive Director of National Center for Lesbian Rights, Kate Kendell and LGBTQ youth advocates and Lambda Legal Youth in Out-of-Home CareProject partner Baker McKenzie - for their advocacy, activism and commitment in the fight for LGBT equality.