Australian Mark Dooley is an independent filmmaker currently based in Melbourne. Having worked in broadcast television since 2000, Mark has extensive credits to his name working in factual, documentary and reality television and has worked around the world on some of the world’s biggest television franchise brands.
As a producer and director, documentary film and musical theatre lover, REPEAT ATTENDERS is the inevitable result of Mark combining his passions. At its heart, the film is about understanding what drives people to return to see the same show in the same theatre, hundreds of times over.
According to Mark, “Making a feature documentary alone is not an easy task. It either takes hundreds of thousands of dollars, or it takes time”. The idea for Repeat Attenders was born in 2012 when Mark first decided he wanted to create a documentary about a subject he knew a lot about (theatre), but a subculture he did not (repeat attenders). In many ways, REPEAT ATTENDERS is a love letter to Broadway superfans everywhere.