Notable performances: Kansas City Repertory Theatre's production of Our Town playing Rebecca Gibbs, directed by David Cromer.Credits Include: Jessica in Hand to God ; Mr. Burns a Post-Electric Play (Unicorn Theatre); And Justice for Some (Coterie Theatre); Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo (Unicorn Theatre). MFA actor credits include: Henriette in The Learned Ladies directed by Ted Swetz and Jennifer in the world premier production of Freedom Rider, directed by Ricardo Khan. Other Credits include: The Audio Cart (KC Fringe Festival); Mere Mortals...or What You Will; The Epic Project; Troilus and Cressida (UMKC Theatre) and part of the ensemble for the devised physical theatre piece called Immeasurable Heaven. Most recent film credits include; Savannah in the SAG short film production of Donor/Recipient; Crystal in the film Clock Strikes Three; Maeve in the independent production of the film Eliphtheria; writer/producer/actor in the AT&T Film Awards short The Call. Holds an MFA in acting from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Mariem currently recides in New York City, and is signed to Dulcina Eisen Associates theatrical agency.