Review: FALSTAFF at Union Avenue Opera
by Steve Callahan - Aug 1, 2022
Verdi's Falstaff is another glittering gem in the train of Union Avenue Opera. I'm not a big fan of 're-purposing' classic plays. Poor Shakespeare! He's been subjected to such vandalism over the years with modern 'concept' versions of his works. No, I do not want to go to see a trendy lesbian-Hamlet-on-Mars!
The Haunted - and Not So Haunted - Theatres of Central Pennsylvania
by Marakay Rogers - Oct 28, 2013
Ghosts abound at some of Central Pennsylvania's theatres. But some of the ones that don't claim any spectral visitations might surprise you. In time for Halloween, here's a rundown on places where the ghosts are, and aren't, only on stage.