BWW Review: CALENDAR GIRLS at Blackfriars Theatre
by Colin Fleming-Stumpf - May 10, 2022
If you're looking for a theatre experience rife with laughs, tears, cheekiness, dry British wit, and a not-insignificant amount of very-near nudity, I am here to tell you that Rochester's Blackfriars Theatre has got the show for you. 'Calendar Girls', a play adapted by Tim Firth and based on the 2003 movie of the same name, is a joyfully irreverent romp that can only be described as a romantic/dramatic comedy....a rom-dram-edy. Did I just invent a genre?
Photo Flash: Sneak Peek - A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM at Highland Park Bowl, Beginning 7/5
by Tyler Peterson - Jun 11, 2014
The Shakespeare Players program of the Rochester Community Players will present eleven performances of A Midsummer Night's Dream, by William Shakespeare, July 5 to 19, 2014. Performances will be presented every night between July 5 and 19, except Mondays and Thursdays. All performance times are 8:00 PM. There is no admission charge for this FREE Shakespeare in the Park production (donations will be solicited). Check out a first look below!