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Marco Brehm

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A Day Of Waltz And Contra Dance Announced At Country Dance*New York
by A.A. Cristi - Feb 4, 2019

Country Dance*New York (CD*NY) is presenting A Day of Waltz & Contra Dance on Saturday, February 9, 2019 with live and lively music by three stellar musicians: Larry Unger, Naomi Morse, and Marco Brehm. No previous experience is required and it is not necessary to come with a partner. All dances will be taught.
Learn To Waltz For $5 at A Day Of Waltz And Contra
by BWW News Desk - Jan 13, 2018

Country Dance*New York (CD*NY) is presenting A Day of Waltz & Contra Dance today, January 13, 2018 with live and lively music by three stellar musicians: Larry Unger, Naomi Morse, and Marco Brehm. No previous experience is required and it is not necessary to come with a partner. All dances will be taught.
Learn to Waltz for $5 Featuring Live Music
by Julie Musbach - Jan 9, 2018

Country Dance*New York (CD*NY) is presenting A Day of Waltz & Contra Dance on Saturday, January 13, 2018 with live and lively music by three stellar musicians: Larry Unger, Naomi Morse, and Marco Brehm. No previous experience is required and it is not necessary to come with a partner. All dances will be taught.
Learn To Waltz For $5 at A Day Of Waltz And Contra
by A.A. Cristi - Jan 6, 2018

Country Dance*New York (CD*NY) is presenting A Day of Waltz & Contra Dance on Saturday, January 13, 2018 with live and lively music by three stellar musicians: Larry Unger, Naomi Morse, and Marco Brehm. No previous experience is required and it is not necessary to come with a partner. All dances will be taught.
Country Dance*New York presents A DAY OF WALTZ & CONTRA DANCE
by A.A. Cristi - Jan 18, 2017

Country Dance*New York (CD*NY) is presenting A Day of Waltz & Contra Dance on Saturday, January 28, 2017 with live and lively music by three stellar musicians: Larry Unger, Naomi Morse, and Marco Brehm. No previous experience is required and it is not necessary to come with a partner. All dances will be taught.
Contra & English Country Dancing Celebration Set for 11/6-7
by BWW News Desk - Nov 6, 2015

Three New York City dance organizations - Country Dance New York, Brooklyn Contra, and Village Contra - and the Country Dance and Song Society (CDSS) will present a celebratory weekend of contra dancing and English country dancing to live music today, November 6 and Saturday, November 7, 2015. The weekend marks 100 years of contra and English dancing in New York City as well as the centennial of CDSS promoting traditional dance, music and song.
BWW Review: Performing With Solid Partners--Tracy Stark and Maria Ottavia--in Separate Shows, Marcus Simeone Displays His Vocal Depth and Range
by John Hoglund - Oct 28, 2015

Fourteen years since his debut at Don't Tell Mama, Marcus Simeone has evolved into a fearless singer who is able to climb inside any song and deliver it home with ease. Aside from eclectic solo work, he has also partnered with others over the years with mixed results. Currently, he has joined forces with two cabaret artists in two totally unrelated songwriter showcases running simultaneously in two different clubs. One salutes a controversial folk pioneer and the other pays homage to three Broadway icons.
Contra & English Country Dancing Celebration Set for 11/6-7
by Tyler Peterson - Oct 28, 2015

Three New York City dance organizations - Country Dance New York, Brooklyn Contra, and Village Contra - and the Country Dance and Song Society (CDSS) will present a celebratory weekend of contra dancing and English country dancing to live music on Friday, November 6 and Saturday, November 7, 2015. The weekend marks 100 years of contra and English dancing in New York City as well as the centennial of CDSS promoting traditional dance, music and song.
Brooklyn Swing Ensemble to Perform for June 8 NYC Contra Dance
by Tyler Peterson - Jun 5, 2013

Country Dance*New York will present a lively contra dance on Saturday, June 8th, from 8:00 pm to 10:45 pm at the Church of the Village (201 West 13th Street, Manhattan). No previous experience is required and it is not necessary to come with a partner. From 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm there is a beginners' workshop, and the caller walks everyone through the patterns of each dance. Dynamic and spirited music will be performed by the popular New York-based dance band, the Brooklyn Swing Ensemble.
GRAND PICNIC Performs for Tonight's NYC Contra Dance
by BWW News Desk - May 11, 2013

Country Dance*New York will present a lively contra dance tonight, May 11th, from 8:00 pm to 10:45 pm at the Church of the Village (201 West 13th Street, Manhattan). No previous experience is required and it is not necessary to come with a partner. From 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm there is a beginners' workshop, and the caller walks everyone through the patterns of each dance. Dynamic and spirited music will be performed by the popular New York-based dance band, Grand Picnic.
GRAND PICNIC Performs for May 11 NYC Contra Dance
by Kelsey Denette - May 8, 2013

Country Dance*New York will present a lively contra dance on Saturday, May 11th, from 8:00 pm to 10:45 pm at the Church of the Village (201 West 13th Street, Manhattan). No previous experience is required and it is not necessary to come with a partner. From 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm there is a beginners' workshop, and the caller walks everyone through the patterns of each dance. Dynamic and spirited music will be performed by the popular New York-based dance band, Grand Picnic.
Country Dance New York Welcome Back Contra Dance Set for Tonight, 9/8
by BWW News Desk - Sep 8, 2012

New York, NY - Country Dance*New York will present its first contra dance of the fall season tonight, September 8, 2012 from 9:00 pm to 11:45 pm at the Chinatown YMCA's Houston Street Center (273 Bowery, near Houston Street, Manhattan). Contra dancing is having a renaissance around the country, thanks to a thriving youth scene; high energy, joyful, acoustic music; and fast-paced, aerobic dancing. There is plenty of swinging your partner and lots of fun, flirting and eye contact. Some men wear kilts or skirts. Women dance with men, men dance with men, and women dance with women.
Country Dance New York Welcome Back Contra Dance Set for 9/8
by Nicole Heyman - Aug 30, 2012

New York, NY - Country Dance*New York will present its first contra dance of the fall season on Saturday, September 8, 2012 from 9:00 pm to 11:45 pm at the Chinatown YMCA's Houston Street Center (273 Bowery, near Houston Street, Manhattan). Contra dancing is having a renaissance around the country, thanks to a thriving youth scene; high energy, joyful, acoustic music; and fast-paced, aerobic dancing. There is plenty of swinging your partner and lots of fun, flirting and eye contact. Some men wear kilts or skirts. Women dance with men, men dance with men, and women dance with women.
Country Dance New York Presents Free Contra Dance Tonight, 6/16
by BWW News Desk - Jun 16, 2012

Country Dance New York will present a special free contra dance tonight, June 16, 2012 from 8:00 pm to 10:45 pm at the Chinatown YMCA's Houston Street Center (273 Bowery, near Houston Street, Manhattan).
Country Dance New York Presents Free Contra Dance, 6/16
by Max Schwager - Jun 7, 2012

Country Dance New York will present a special free contra dance on Saturday, June 16, 2012 from 8:00 pm to 10:45 pm at the Chinatown YMCA's Houston Street Center (273 Bowery, near Houston Street, Manhattan).
Gurland Returns with Madonna Tribute Neurotica, Oct. 14
by BWW News Desk - Oct 12, 2005

Cabaret star David Gurland will reprise his hit Madonna tribute Neurotica at Ace of Clubs from October 14th through November 11th
Gurland Returns with Madonna Tribute Neurotica, Oct. 14
by BWW News Desk - Sep 30, 2005

David Gurland's Madonna tribute show Neurotica will play a semi-open-ended run at Ace of Clubs beginning on October 14th
Gurland Gives Encore Neurotica Performance, Aug. 18
by BWW News Desk - Aug 4, 2005

Cabaret star David Gurland will return with his Madonna tribute Neurotica to the Encore on August 18th
David Gurland in Neurotica at The Encore this May
by BWW News Desk - Apr 7, 2005

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