Review: Disney's HERCULES at Stage Theatre Neue Flora
by Martin Ganeider - Mar 25, 2024
What did our critic think of DISNEYS HERCULES at STAGE THEATRE NEUE FLORA? Disney's latest stage-to-screen adaptation celebrates its World Premiere at the Stage Theatre Neue Flora in Hamburg, the often-called Broadway of the North.
Die Cast der Weltpremiere von Disneys Musical HERCULES Steht Fest
by Joshua Wright - Dec 6, 2023
Ein heldenhaftes Spektakel erwartet das Publikum, wenn Disneys neuestes Musical HERCULES im März 2024 seine Weltpremiere in Hamburg feiert. Jetzt wurde die komplette Cast vorgestellt! Der Chief Creative Officer der Disney Theatrical Group, Thomas Schumacher, gab am Dienstag zudem erste Einblicke in die brandneue Show.
Review: HAMILTON at Stage Operettenhaus Hamburg
by Martin Ganeider - Oct 7, 2022
Lin-Manuel Miranda's HAMILTON brought up a never before seen hype on Broadway. A Musical about America's Ten Dollar Founding Father. What sounds like a School Lesson became one of Broadway's fascinating and top-selling shows. A multi-awarded Musical revolution and still the hottest ticket in town. How might a show connected to US History, full of complex rap and hip-hop rhymes, work in a different country with a foreign native language?
VIDEO: The Hamburg Cast Of HAMILTON Meets The Press
by Alan Henry - Jun 20, 2022
Hamilton will officialy open in Hamburg, Germany on October 4th. The full cast has been announced for the musical, which will be led by Benet Monteiro in the title role. Last week, the full company met the press and performed selections from the show.