BWW Commentary: The Mistreatment of Women on BOARDWALK
by Jessica Naftaly - Oct 23, 2014
BOARDWALK EMPIRE writes some of the best female characters around, many can agree, but the treatment of said characters on the show reflects quite the opposite insinuation about the writers. While the show has tackled many feminist issues such as women's health, the right to vote, the temperance movement, and the misogynistic mindset of the men at the time, it's also reduced so many of it's female characters to forgo pointless deaths in order to further characterize and develop their male counterparts, or how I like to put it, allow for the men to feel some “man pain” to make us connect further with them emotionally.
BWW Recap: 'Life's a Shipwreck' on BOARDWALK EMPIRE
by Jessica Naftaly - Oct 6, 2014
BOARDWALK EMPIRE came in strong this week with assassination attempts, affairs, pregnancies and cockroaches galore! The fifth episode of BOARDWALK's final season entitled 'King of Norway' was one of the best of this season as we had some real movement and development. One of the biggest issues I had with the last four episodes was that as we neared the halfway mark of the last season, there was still no clear direction or driving force for the season. We had through line connecting all the dots and pointing us to what to expect coming forward and now, we're finally laying the groundwork for the real major plot points of the season. More than halfway there, it seems like these last four episodes were one big premiere episode, laying the groundwork for the actual season.