ZEBRA chicBuds chicBoom Keychain Speakers Available For Holidays
by Gabrielle Sierra - Oct 27, 2011
chicBuds, pronounced 'sheek-buds' is at it again! The newly launched chicBuds chicBoom Keychain Speaker for iPods, iPhones, computers... basically any listening device... is adding some much needed style to key rings around town.
Photo Flash: Pride and Prejudice, The New Musical at the Eastman Theatre
by Faetra Petillo - Oct 28, 2008
A one-night-only concert performance Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, The New Musical on Tuesday, October 21, at Rochester, NY's historic Eastman Theatre earned a lengthy standing ovation from its full house of almost 3,000, and drew glowing reviews from local press.
Laura Osnes Joins 'Pride and Prejudice' Performance in Rochester
by Faetra Petillo - Sep 26, 2008
Producers of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, The New Musical announce that Laura Osnes (Grease!, winner of Grease: You're the One that I Want!) will play the role of Elizabeth (Lizzy) Bennet in the Broadway-bound musical's one-night-only performance at Rochester's historic Eastman Theatre on Tuesday, October 21