Kitchen Theatre Company Raises Over $190,000 to 'Burn the Mortgage'
by A.A. Cristi - Jun 9, 2017
Kitchen Theatre Company's Board of Directors honored retiring Artistic Director Rachel Lampert with an appropriately theatrical ceremony in which the building's mortgage was 'burned.' In attendance were community members and representatives of organizations who donated to the over $190,000 Burn the Mortgage campaign.
'So I Published A Magazine...' by Award-Winning Author Lorraine Phillips is Released
by Christina Mancuso - Jun 8, 2015
If you've thought about publishing a magazine and wondered what it would take, 'So I Published A Magazine' features sixteen candid conversations with independent publishers from around the globe.
Lorraine Phillips interviewed these publishers and asked them questions like: How did you fund your magazine? Did you do any market research or create a business plan prior to launching? How do you attract readers? What do you do to attract advertisers? How important is social media to your operation? Who handles distribution? What factors do you think contribute to the success or failure of a magazine? And much more.
From the information gathered these publishers will help you create the blueprint for your very own publication. Featured magazines include: Blow, Cereal, Concrete Wave, Delayed Gratification, Disegno, HOLO, IdN, Katachi, Lionheart, Little White Lies, PAPER, Sneaker Freaker, Things & Ink, 3x3, Very Nearly Almost (VNA) and Wax Poetics.
Lorraine, former publisher of SisterPower Magazine, is a creative information technology professional with over fourteen years' experience in planning, developing and publishing print, internet and digital projects.
'So I Published A Magazine: Conversations with Independent Publishers' from Around the Globe (ISBN: 9780988953536) is available from major wholesalers and book retailers, as well as online outlets nationwide, in Canada, Australia and throughout Europe.