Sammy Jungwirth's ZELDA Announces New Dates and Location for American Premiere Production
by Blair Ingenthron - Oct 16, 2022
The American premiere musical Zelda, produced and directed by 17-year-old Baltimore based theatre artist Sammy Jungwirth has announced its finalized dates and location. The staged concert production will take place on January 20 and 21 at 8pm in the 220 seat Lecture Hall on the CCBC Essex campus under the sponsorship of the Performing Arts at CCBC. Tickets will be available in November and will be general admission.
Full Cast Announced For ZELDA Presented by Sammy Jungwirth
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Jun 13, 2022
17-year-old Baltimore-based theatre artist Sammy Jungwirth has acquired the rights to the 2004 West End musical Zelda through special arrangement with its original producer Charles Dobson and will be directing a new scaled down version of the show in the fall of 2022.