Mary Dimino Joins the Cast of Comedy Series About Pandemic
by Stephi Wild - Jul 21, 2020
Comedian and Gracie award winning actress Mary Dimino is added to the cast of talent in the new comedy series a?oeThe Honeyzoomers,a?? a sitcom style online series about the pandemic shot during the pandemic. Each of the actors separately film scenes from their respective homes while in quarantine.
VIDEO: Annie Golden & More in Highlights from BARING IT ALL WITH CALL ME ADAM
by BWW News Desk - Oct 17, 2017
Helping Adam launch the show were Orange is the New Black's Annie Golden ('Norma Romano') and Lin Tucci ('Anita DeMarco'), plus Broadway's Lauren Elder (revivals of Hair & Side Show), and award-winning composer/lyricist Bobby Cronin (forthcoming Mary & Max). Check out highlights from the first episode below!
Ali Stroker & ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK's Lin Tucci to Bring THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES to New York Prisons
by Tyler Peterson - Mar 31, 2016
Broadway & TV actress Ali Stroker (Spring Awakening, GLEE) and Orange is the New Black co-star Lin Tucci are set to star in a special production of Eve Ensler's award-winning play The Vagina Monologues which will tour a group of N.Y. State Correctional Facilities in April from 4/18-4/22 for V-Day (, the global activist movement which aims to end violence against women & girls.
BWW Reviews: Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre Serves a Delicious NUNSENSE
by Elizabeth J Musgrave - Aug 10, 2012
When is a greeting card more than a greeting card? When it spawns a commercially successful international sensation known as Nunsense, one of off-Broadway's most commercially successful shows. Six sequels, three spin offs and a television show followed quickly. Originating from Dan Goggin's line of nun-based humorous cards, the popular Little Sisters of Hoboken convened once again on stage at Beef and Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis.