Stephen Schwartz Single 'Testimony' to Benefit Anti-Bullying Workshops in NYC Schools
by BWW News Desk - Nov 16, 2017
Judith Clurman, Silas Brown, Essential Voices and Tony & Grammy Award-winning producer Van Dean (Broadway Records) announced today the release of 'Testimony,' a new single written by award-winning composer Stephen Schwartz (Wicked, Godspell, Pippin) with proceeds benefiting anti-bullying workshops in New York City Public Schools.
DADDY'S BOY World Premiere Set for NYC Dream Up Festival, 8/30-9/6
by Tyler Peterson - Aug 19, 2015
Theater for the New City's Dream Up Festival 2015 presents Daddy's Boy, a world premiere play written by Cristian Avila where the wrestling ring becomes a battleground sexuality, family and identity. Avila directs a cast of eight, including David Conrad Brouillard, Julia Gyory, Aya Esther Hayashi, Jonathan Palmiotti, Christopher Staley*, Kyle Stockburger, Rachel Wharton, and Nick Zale. Six performances will be staged at Theater for the New City, 155 First Avenue (bet. 9th and 10th Streets), New York, NY 10003 from August 30-September 6, 2015. *Member, Actors' Equity Association. AEA Showcase.