Pinchas Zukerman Receives Dushkin Award at Music Institute's Anniversary Gala
by Julie Musbach - May 29, 2018
The Music Institute of Chicago, one of the nation's oldest, largest, and most distinguished community music schools, welcomed 300 guests to its 2018 Anniversary Gala on Monday, May 21 at the Fairmont Hotel Chicago. The event raised more than $715,000 from a combination of table sponsorships, ticket sales, and outright contributions.
Guests Enjoy Music Institute's 87th Anniversary Gala
by A.A. Cristi - May 22, 2017
The Music Institute of Chicago, one of the nation's oldest, largest and most distinguished community music schools, welcomed nearly 300 guests to the 87th Anniversary Gala on Monday, May 15 at the Four Seasons Hotel, Chicago. The event raised $800,000 from a combination of table sponsorships, ticket sales, and outright contributions.
Music Institute of Chicago Hosts Gala to Celebrate Violinist Rachel Barton Pine, 5/15
by Christina Mancuso - Feb 22, 2017
The Music Institute of Chicago hosts its annual gala Monday, May 15 at the Four Seasons Hotel Chicago, 120 East Delaware Place. The oldest community music school in Illinois and one of the three largest community music schools in the nation, the Music Institute is planning a celebratory evening highlighted by the presentation of the Dushkin Award to acclaimed violinist Rachel Barton Pine.
EVEN THE ODDS by Karen Firestone is Released
by Christina Mancuso - Apr 26, 2016
Bibliomotion is thrilled to announce the launch of EVEN THE ODDS: Sensible Risk-Taking in Business, Investing, and Life by Karen Firestone (April 26, 2016).
Chicago Shakespeare Theater GALA 2015 Raises $1.2 Million
by Tyler Peterson - Jun 17, 2015
Chicago Shakespeare Theater (CST) celebrated Shakespeare's vibrant legacy with GALA 2015 on Monday, June 8 at the Theater's home on Navy Pier, raising $1.2 million for Chicago Shakespeare in Urban Communities initiatives. Three hundred and fifty of Chicago's civic, corporate and cultural leaders attended the event benefiting CST's award-winning engagement programs including Team Shakespeare education initiatives and Chicago Shakespeare in the Parks. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the fifth annual Spirit of Shakespeare Awards to this year's Civic Honoree, Illinois Tool Works (ITW) and ITW Vice Chairman David Parry and his wife Ros Parry, and Artistic Honorees, Simon Callow and Phylicia Rash?d.
Chicago Shakespeare's GALA 2014 Raises Nearly $1.2 Million
by Courtnie Mele - Jun 23, 2014
Chicago Shakespeare Theater (CST) celebrated the enduring vitality of Shakespeare on Monday, June 16 with GALA 2014 at its home on Navy Pier, raising nearly $1.2 million for Chicago Shakespeare in Urban Communities. Three hundred and fifty of Chicago's civic, corporate and cultural leaders attended the event benefitting CST's civic engagement and education initiatives, including the citywide summer tradition Chicago Shakespeare in the Parks and Team Shakespeare education programs. The evening culminated in the presentation of the fourth annual Spirit of Shakespeare Awards to this year's Civic Honoree, The Boeing Company and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Greg Smith and his wife Denise, and Artistic Honoree, Chicago theater legend Mike Nussbaum.