NEWSIES Comes to Millbrook Playhouse
by Stephi Wild - Jul 9, 2019
On July 12 Millbrook Playhouse presents the Tony Award-winning Broadway phenomenon, Newsies: The Musical.
Set in turn-of-the century New York City, Newsies is a rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a "heroically, charismatic, plainspoken, know nothing, skirt chasing" newsboy and leader of a band of teen aged "newsies." When the titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys' expense, Jack rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions and fight for what's right!
VIDEO: Mamma Mia at Millbrook Playhouse
by Nate Ronning - Jun 26, 2019
Mamma Mia! is on stage at Millbrook Playhouse from June 21 to July 6 on the Ryan Main Stage. Check out video of the production!
Millbrook Playhouse Presents A YEAR WITH FROG AND TOAD
by Sarah Hookey - Jun 4, 2019
The Board of Directors and Artistic Director, David Leidholdt, are announcing Millbrook's opening production of the ground-breaking Tony Award-nominated musical, A YEAR WITH FROG AND TOAD, with book and lyrics by Willie Reale and music by Robert Reale, opening June 7, on the Ryan Main Stage.