BWW Review: Steve Ross and His Orchestra Bring Stylish RHYTHM AND ROMANCE to Birdland and Steal Hearts
by Alix Cohen - Nov 18, 2015
Attending a Steve Ross show is often akin to time travel. The audience is transported back to eras when urbanity and dash were watchwords, when interpretation meant being as true to the period as the meaning of lyrics. The classy Mr. Ross, known primarily for iconoclastic solo performance, appeared at Birdland Monday night with a zealous 11-piece band helmed by long time confederate Brian Cassier. The joint was jumpin'.
50th Anniversary Celebration of IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD Set for Today
by Movies News Desk - Oct 27, 2013
The 50th Anniversary screening and celebration of Stanley Kramer's 'IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD' which opened The Cinerama Dome 50 years ago, will take place today, October 27th, which will be declared 'IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD DAY' in Los Angeles.
The World Mourns Passing of Great Humanitarian Trudy Morse
by Don Grigware - Aug 30, 2013
The world mourns the loss of a great, one.of.a.kind philanthropist/artist Gertrude 'Trudy' Morse, who passed away on August 21 at Arden Courts, Potomac, MD. She was 94. This pure renaissance woman was a civil rights activist, having traveled through Africa, Australia, Europe and the US, an advocate for natural childbirth and breast feeding, a poet, a dancer and all-around champion humanitarian. She is survived by six children, twenty-one grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.