Full Casting Announced For 2018's World Renowned From Page To Stage At Southwark Playhouse
With rehearsals starting today, the full cast has been announced for Aria Entertainment's prestigious festival of new musical theatre, From Page To Stage (FPTS), which returns with gusto for a 6th successful year from September 2018 at London's Southwark Playhouse. Jane Deitch has cast the 37-strong company, who will each star in one of the seven brand new musicals featured in the 2018 festival.
Natasha Hamilton Joins The Cast Of FAT FRIENDS At The Edinburgh Playhouse
Due to a phenomenal critical and public reaction during the opening weeks of the extensive UK Tour, Natasha Hamilton will extend her performance dates in Kay Mellor's Fat Friends the Musical. Natasha Hamilton will star as Julia Fleshman during the productions upcoming run at the Edinburgh Playhouse from 19 until 22 April.
Atomic Kitten's Natasha Hamilton To Star In FAT FRIENDS
Due to a phenomenal critically acclaimed performance and overwhelming public reaction during the opening weeks of Fat Friends the Musical, Natasha Hamilton will continue to play Julia Fleshman during the production's upcoming run at the King's Theatre in Glasgow.
Full Cast and First Look at FAT FRIENDS THE MUSICAL
Joining the previously announced cast, Kevin Kennedy (Coronation Street) stars as Fergus and Rachael Wooding (We Will Rock You) appears as Joanne, alongside Jonathan Halliwell (Let It Shine) as Paul and Chloe Hart (Hairspray) as Val. Alan will be played by Neil Hurst, one of dozens of Yorkshiremen who applied for the role through an open audition call.
Perhaps it's because I'm a Jew, bringing my two Jew daughters (age six) to a Christmas musical, or perhaps it's the fact that a strong majority of the Christmas songs presented in Broadway Christmas Wonderland were, in fact, written by Jews, however when sitting down to enjoy this show, it quickly becomes obvious that a person doesn't have to be a Christian or celebrate Christmas to enjoy this musical at the Music Hall at Fair Park. The cast is filled with unbelievably skilled dancers and singers, and the stage presence of all six of the leads is delightful and carried with strength.
Photo Coverage: GODSPELL IN CONCERT UK Tour - Opening Night
After a sell-out success gala concert production last year at London's Lyric Theatre (currently home to Thriller! Live) GODSPELL IN CONCERT returns for a 28 venue UK Tour starring Andy Abraham, Tom Senior, Leanne Jarvis, Laura Mansell, Jennifer Potts, Jason Broderick, Robert Hannouch, Dominique Planter, Mitch Miller and Maeve Byrne.