BWW Review: Theatre9/12 Tackles Lesser Known Miller with THE CREATION OF THE WORLD AND OTHER BUSINESS
by Jay Irwin - Feb 8, 2020
Most people are familiar with at least some works of the renowned playwright Arthur Miller. a?oeThe Cruciblea??, a?oeAll My Sonsa??, a?oeThe Pricea??, and of course a?oeDeath of a Salesmana?? to name a few. But one of my favorites, and a somewhat lesser known Miller, is his a?oeThe Creation of the World and Other Businessa??. Not a household theatrical name, but it tends to get dusted off every now and again for actors who want to sink their teeth into something juicy and stretch themselves. Enter Theatre9/12, whose mission statement is all about letting actors stretch and sink their teeth into the goods, so it's no surprise that their current offering is a?oeThe Creation of the World a??a?? but with some slight twists. Some worked, some didn't, but in true Theatre9/12 style, the end result is a powerhouse evening.
BWW Review: Theatre9/12's UNCLE VANYA Just Doesn't Click
by Jay Irwin - Feb 17, 2019
Yes, Dear Readers, it's "Uncle Vanya" … again. Now, don't get confused. I know I just reviewed this a few weeks ago but this is a different production. This is Theatre9/12, those plucky actors who pour over scene work week after week until they come up with a full play they'd like to present, this time it's Annie Baker's adaptation of Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya". They're all about the performance and not so much on the frills since there's usually little in the way of sets or elaborate costumes and they perform at the Trinity Church Parish Hall. And while they usually bring in a fantastic piece, this time it felt they focused a bit too much on individual scene work and not so much on connecting with each other as the play felt like so many performances in a vacuum.
Robert Schenkkan's THE KENTUCKY CYCLE Plays BPA, Now thru 3/30
by BWW News Desk - Mar 14, 2014
PHC Construction presents THE KENTUCKY CYCLE - an epic in two parts, running today, March 14 - 30: Todays @ 7:30 p.m. & Saturdays @ 2:00 p.m. (PART I) and Saturdays @ 7:30 p.m. & Sundays @ 2:00 p.m. (PART II) at Bainbridge Performing Arts (BPA).
Photo Flash: First Look - THE KENTUCKY CYCLE at BPA, Running 3/14-30
by Tyler Peterson - Feb 27, 2014
PHC Construction presents THE KENTUCKY CYCLE - an epic in two parts, running March 14 - 30: Fridays @ 7:30 p.m. & Saturdays @ 2:00 p.m. (PART I) and Saturdays @ 7:30 p.m. & Sundays @ 2:00 p.m. (PART II) at Bainbridge Performing Arts (BPA). Check out a first look below!
Robert Schenkkan's THE KENTUCKY CYCLE to Play BPA, 3/14-30
by BWW News Desk - Feb 13, 2014
PHC Construction presents THE KENTUCKY CYCLE - an epic in two parts, running March 14 - 30: Fridays @ 7:30 p.m. & Saturdays @ 2:00 p.m. (PART I) and Saturdays @ 7:30 p.m. & Sundays @ 2:00 p.m. (PART II) at Bainbridge Performing Arts (BPA).
Taproot Theatre's Road Company Comes To FringeNYC With Camp Super Friend 8/13-24
by BWW News Desk - Aug 24, 2009
Five superheroes in the form of actors are using their super powers to stomp out bullying this August at the New York International Fringe Festival, FringeNYC. Taproot Theatre's Road Company will be in New York August 13-24 to perform its anti-bullying play Camp Super Friend in FringeJR, the family portion of the festival.
Taproot Theatre's Road Company Comes To FringeNYC With Camp Super Friend 8/13-24
by BWW News Desk - Aug 13, 2009
Five superheroes in the form of actors are using their super powers to stomp out bullying this August at the New York International Fringe Festival, FringeNYC. Taproot Theatre's Road Company will be in New York August 13-24 to perform its anti-bullying play Camp Super Friend in FringeJR, the family portion of the festival.
Taproot Theatre's Road Company Comes To FringeNYC With Camp Super Friend 8/13-24
by Gabrielle Sierra - Jun 18, 2009
Five superheroes in the form of actors are using their super powers to stomp out bullying this August at the New York International Fringe Festival, FringeNYC. Taproot Theatre's Road Company will be in New York August 13-24 to perform its anti-bullying play Camp Super Friend in FringeJR, the family portion of the festival.