Review: A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM at Guthrie Theater
by Joe Sarafolean - Feb 7, 2025
It may be the dead of winter in Minnesota but that is not stopping the Guthrie Theater from taking audiences to the moonlight filled forests of Athens in the middle of summer. Yes, William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream is back on the Guthrie stage and this ravishing production proves why it remains one of the most cherished of the Bard’s works.
Photo Flash: Children's Theatre Company Presents CINDERELLA
by A.A. Cristi - Nov 6, 2019
Children's Theatre Company is bringing back the magical, fantastical, and all-too-hilarious Cinderella, directed by Peter C. Brosius. Originally created by CTC, this panto style musical mixes together the heart-warming story of Cinderella (played by new Acting Company member Rajané Katurah) and a Victorian Christmas party with lavish period costumes, grandiose sets and holiday carols, with pop culture references, shameless physical comedy, audience participation, and gut-busting gags.
RETURN OF NATURE, A Walking Play, Comes To The Old Manse This September
by A.A. Cristi - Aug 9, 2019
a??a??a??a??a??a??a??The Trustees is pleased to present the return of TigerLion Arts' critically acclaimed outdoor walking play Nature at the Old Manse in Concord this September. Reprising the sell-out production in 2017 which welcomed nearly 2,000 over its two-week run, Nature will be presented over a three-week period beginning on Friday, September 13, 2019.
Playwrights' Center Sets Lineup for 2017 PlayLabs Festival
by BWW News Desk - Oct 10, 2017
The Playwrights' Center's annual PlayLabs new play festival runs Monday, October 23, through Sunday, October 29, 2017. The featured playwrights are Jason Gray Platt ('Take Care'), Jen Silverman ('In the Time of the Volcano') and Alice Tuan ('A Humbling in St. Paul'), all Core Writers at the Center.
McKnight Theater Artist Fellows present WORKS IN PROGRESS 6/26
by A.A. Cristi - May 24, 2017
17 McKnight Theater Artist Fellows Sonya Berlovitz (costume design), Thomasina Petrus (actor) and Kimberly Richardson (actor) will present selections from theatrical works in progress on Monday, June 26, 2017 at 7 p.m. at Mixed Blood Theatre. This free event is presented by the Playwrights' Center, which is taking reservations at, or 612-332-7481. Mixed Blood Theatre is located at 1501 South 4th Street in Minneapolis.
BWW Review: Open Eye Figure Theatre Re-Imagines Hans Christian Andersen's THE RED SHOES as a 20th Century Noir Thriller
by Jill Schafer - Mar 7, 2017
You may be familiar with the Hans Christian Andersen story THE RED SHOES, in which a vain little girl with pretty red shoes is cursed so that her shoes will never stop dancing. But you may not recognize what the ingenious minds of Joel Sass and Kimberly Richardson have turned it into. Yes there are a few (hilarious) runaway dancing scenes, but their 80-minute show at Open Eye Figure Theatre is more 20 Century creepy noir thriller than 19th Century fairy tale. I'll let director Joel Sass describe it to you: 'Equally humorous and hair-raising, our adaptation of THE RED SHOES draws inspiration and influences from the vintage detective novels of Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett, case studies of amnesia and multiple personality, and black and white film noir movies of the 1940s. Like that cinematic genre, THE RED SHOES evokes a highly stylized landscape of convoluted mystery, subconscious manacle, fever dreams, and existential crisis.' My immediate thought at the end of the show was, 'how do people think of such things?' THE RED SHOES is something so curious and unique, odd and chilling, inventive and charming, it's thoroughly captivating from start to finish.
BWW Review: Theatre Novi Most's THE SEAGULL is an Odd and Enchanting Dream of a Production
by Jill Schafer - Mar 7, 2016
Chekhov's THE SEAGULL is a classic of the theater, but I had never seen it. That's not exactly true, it was actually the first play I ever saw at the Guthrie, but being almost 25 years ago, I have no recollection of it. So it was as if I'd never seen it when I sat down to yesterday's matinee production of THE SEAGULL by Theatre Novi Most, a company that specializes in Eastern European theater, as part of the Southern Theater's ARTShare program. It took me a few minutes to get into this story of many inter-related characters with strange sounding names, but by intermission I was completely under its spell. This is one of those shows that is so completely captivating that it's hard to shake when you leave the theater. Funny, tragic, odd, and completely enchanting.
Theatre Novi Most to Stage THE SEAGULL
by Tyler Peterson - Jan 27, 2016
Theatre Novi Most presents the iconic Russian classic by Anton Chekhov about love, art and the power and meaning of symbols, The Seagull. Staged by Russian director and Novi Most co-artistic director, Vladimir Rovinsky, this production disengages the play from the cliche?s of samovars, corsets, and the 'mysterious Russian soul' and instead addresses our contemporary world of disconnection and the desperate longing for love that is our seething, vibrating underbelly. In this existential and darkly humorous mediation on the stakes of living life and making art, Theatre Novi Most reminds us that Chekhov is supremely one of us.
BWW Reviews: Ten Thousand Things' Sparsely Lovely THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN Gets Right to the Heart of the Sweet and Inspiring Story
by Jill Schafer - Feb 16, 2015
No one does musicals like Ten Thousand Things does musicals. And even though it defies everything we know about musical theater, after seeing a TTT musical I think that maybe that's the way musicals should always be done. The music, like everything else about the show, is stripped down to the very basics, extraneous layers removed to reveal the very heart of the matter. A one-man orchestra provides the minimal accompaniment, and the small cast imperceptibly transitions from speaking to singing, so that you can't even tell where songs end and begin, it's just all one seamless story. And above all else, Artistic Director Michelle Hensley and all of the artists at Ten Thousand Things are storytellers. Whether it's Shakespeare or a classic American musical, they share the story in a pure and unadorned way so that all of their audiences, whether prisoners or seasoned theater-goers, can hear it and see themselves in it. One such masterpiece is their latest musical venture, THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN, a reprise of their very first musical venture 15 years ago. It's lovely, spirited, sweet, funny, moving, heart-warming, and real.
The Guthrie Announces Casting for the Pillsbury House Theatre Production of BUZZER
by Kelsey Denette - Dec 17, 2012
The Guthrie Theater today announced complete casting for the remount of the Pillsbury House Theatre production Buzzer by Tracey Scott Wilson. Buzzer, co-commissioned by the Guthrie Theater and Pillsbury House Theatre, will be helmed by Tony-nominated director Marion McClinton and play the Dowling Studio from February 8-March 3, 2013. Buzzer was previously performed at Pillsbury House Theatre last fall.