The Ross Valley Players presents "Holiday Treat." This seasonal variety show features music, dance, holiday classics, holiday sing-alongs and comedy in a sparkling show to make the Yuletide bright.
The Ross Valley Players presents "Holiday Treat." This seasonal variety show features music, dance, holiday classics, holiday sing-alongs and comedy in a sparkling show to make the Yuletide bright.
The Ross Valley Players presents "Holiday Treat." This seasonal variety show features music, dance, holiday classics, holiday sing-alongs and comedy in a sparkling show to make the Yuletide bright.
The Ross Valley Players takes a bow and celebrates its 80th Anniversary in June. The theater company has planned a special anniversary event Sunday, June 27, 2010 featuring buffet, wine and beverages, entertainment, raffle and silent auction. Tickets are available at $28.80 per person.
The Ross Valley Players takes a bow and celebrates its 80th Anniversary in June. The theater company has planned a special anniversary event Sunday, June 27, 2010 featuring buffet, wine and beverages, entertainment, raffle and silent auction. Tickets are available at $28.80 per person.