BWW Reviews: ORANGE FLOWER WATER Takes a Brutally Honest Look at Marriage and Infidelity
by Shari Barrett - Apr 6, 2013
ORANGE FLOWER WATER by Craig Wright tells the story of two married couples who live with their children in the relatively peaceful town of Pine City, Minnesota. David is a pharmacist and Cathy is a teacher, while Brad runs a video store and Beth is a stay-at-home Mom. But David and Beth, after years of maintaining a platonic friendship, begin an adulterous affair which leads to disastrous consequences for both marriages.
Photo Flash: Vienna's English Theatre's FUNNY MONEY
by Nicole Rosky - May 24, 2011
Heute hat Henry Geburtstag. Henry, ein Buchhalter wie er im Buche steht, hat sich sein Leben lang
allen Regeln und Vorschriften unterworfen. Seine Frau Jean, die mitten in den Vorbereitungen für das geplante Abendessen mit den Langzeitfreunden Betty und Vic steckt, wird langsam nervös, weil
Henry zu spät ist. - Und das ist nun wirklich nicht seine Art! Als er endlich zu Hause eintrifft, kennt
Jean ihn kaum wieder. Völlig aus dem Häuschen will er augenblicklich nach Barcelona auswandern. -
Mit gutem Grund: die Aktentasche, die er nach einer Verwechslung in der U-Bahn nun bei sich trägt, enthält Banknoten im Gesamtwert von 735,000 Pfund!
Duplex Cabaret Theatre Presents FAIRY TALE CONFIDENTIAL, 11/16 & 12/15
by BWW
News Desk - Nov 16, 2010
A comical look at the traditional fairy tales we grew up on from the perspective of colorful and outspoken characters who enjoy telling their individual stories as well as setting the record straight on what really 'went down' behind the gates of the Fairy Kingdom and why the Yellow Brick Road led to nowhere!
Duplex Cabaret Theatre Presents FAIRY TALE CONFIDENTIAL, 11/16 & 12/15
by Nicole Rosky - Sep 28, 2010
A comical look at the traditional fairy tales we grew up on from the perspective of colorful and outspoken characters who enjoy telling their individual stories as well as setting the record straight on what really 'went down' behind the gates of the Fairy Kingdom and why the Yellow Brick Road led to nowhere!