12 ANGRY JURORS Announced At The Shawnee Playhouse
by A.A. Cristi - Sep 23, 2024
The Shawnee Playhouse has announced its forty-fifth season with 12 ANGRY JURORS, running for one weekend only from October 4th to October 6th, 2024. Directed by Gillian Turner, the play features top talent from The Poconos.
Michael Whalen's New Album 'Dream Cycle' Gives Adults Permission to Go to Sleep"Finally
by Caryn Robbins - Mar 1, 2017
Emmy award-winning composer and Yamaha artist Michael Whalen wants his music to put you to sleep. His new album, “Dream Cycle” (Valley Entertainment) succeeds at this, inspiring rest, relaxation, wellness, meditation and ultimately, sleep—a crucial activity that eludes so many of us, particularly in these unsettling post-election days.
SING ALONG Premieres This Sunday in NYC
by Kelsey Denette - Apr 26, 2013
Sing Along, a short film with an all-star cast, will have its world premiere this Sunday in New York City. Filmed in Midtown Manhattan in October 2012, the movie follows a 14-year-old boy who dreams of starring on Broadway and imagines daily life as a musical.
Jenny Craig Celebrity Client Carrie Fisher Achieves 30 Pound Weight Loss
by Gabrielle Sierra - May 12, 2011
Jenny Craig, Inc., one of the nation's leading authorities on weight management, announced celebrity spokesperson Carrie Fisher achieved the 'miracle' of accomplishing her initial weight loss goal of losing 30 pounds in 18 weeks* on the Jenny Craig Program, and has challenged herself to lose even more.