Theatre Nantucket Presents LOVE AND INFORMATION
by Stephi Wild - Aug 5, 2020
In this pause, when live theatre has been interrupted across the world, Theatre Nantucket has reached out to theatres and theater university departments across the country to join in on a journey to bring Love and Information to life in this virtual moment.
ArtsBridge Foundation Announces 2020 Shuler Awards Winners
by A.A. Cristi - May 15, 2020
In a special broadcast with partner Georgia Public Broadcasting, this evening ArtsBridge Foundation announced the winners of the 12th Annual Georgia High School Musical Theatre Awards during a?oeShuler Awards 2020,a?? a special pre-recorded co-production that aired statewide.
2020 Shuler Awards Nominees Announced by ArtsBridge Foundation
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Apr 3, 2020
In a special online presentation, ArtsBridge Foundation today announced the nominees for the 12th Annual Georgia High School Musical Theatre Awards, with winners to be unveiled in a follow-up online event to be scheduled and announced in May.
Mechanicals Theatre Group Presents THE ELEPHANT MAN, 4/14-5/15
by Kelsey Denette - Mar 5, 2012
The Mechanicals Theatre Group presents The Elephant Man by Bernard Pomerance, directed by Neil Patrick Stewart, assistant directed by Jordan Belfi (Entourage) and produced by company member Monica Raymund (Lie To Me, The Good Wife).