BC Beat Announces Choreographers From Tony Nominated Shows
by Stephi Wild - May 7, 2018
BC BEAT, an evening that sells out and is yet intimate, dynamic, and playful, continues to stimulate new collaboration between choreographers, performers, directors, composers, and producers like no other event in New York City. Just ask Patrick McCollum. He was introduced to Steven Hoggett as a possible performer for his BC BEAT piece in 2011. Following their BC BEAT process, McCollum worked nonstop with Hoggett as an Associate Broadway Choreographer and this year, made his Broadway choreographic debut with THE BAND'S VISIT. McCollum is one of the many Broadway artists who have performed and choreographed at BC BEAT and have made the most of the opportunity at hand.
BWW Reviews: ROCK THE BALLET Admiralspalast, Berlin
by Marcel Konrath - Feb 10, 2013
Es war der legendare Fred Astaire, der folgenden Satz pragte: 'Tanz ist ein Telegramm an die Erde mit der Bitte um Aufhebung der Schwerkraft.' Die Bad Boys des Tanzes unter der Leitung und Choreografie von Rasta Thomas gastierten im Admiralspalast Berlin mit ihrer mitreißenden Show 'Rock the Ballet'. DIe Schwerkraft wird an diesem Abend gleich mehrere Male aufgehoben, denn dass was das hochkaratigem siebenkopfige Ensemble bietet ist schlichtweg atemberaubend.