BWW Interview: 'What a Glorious Feeling': MSMT Panel Celebrates SINGIN' IN THE RAIN and Anniversary Concerts
by Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold - Aug 18, 2018
In the midst of what has proved to be an extraordinary week for the company, Maine State Music Theatre fans turned out in a capacity crowd at the Curtis Memorial Library's final Peek Behind the Curtain panel to celebrate the concluding events of this Diamond Jubilee season. In the Brunswick season's penultimate week, MSMT presented nine performances of its smash hit, Singin' in the Rain, as well as two sold-out gala 60th anniversary concerts and a free Concert on the Mall that drew close to 2500 people. The panel, moderated by BWW's Carla Maria Verdino-Sullwold, featured Nicolas Dromard, Kate Fahrner, Brian Shepard, and Kim Sava, the stars of the production, two returning stars closely associated with MSMT's history, Sue Cella and K.K. Preece, as well as Artistic Director Curt Dale Clark. The resulting discussion, which focused on the joyful new staging by Marc Robin of Singin' in the Rain and the special anniversary events, was filled with warmth, laughter, and substance.
Maine State Music Theatre Offers Free Concert On The Mall
by BWW
News Desk - Aug 15, 2018
As part of Maine State Music Theatre's 60th Anniversary season, and as a thank to you the community that has supported it, the theatre will present a free concert - in collaboration with Brunswick Downtown Association - on the Brunswick Mall today, August 15 at 5:30 PM.
BWW Review: MSMT Throws Big, Beautiful 60th Birthday Bash
by Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold - Aug 14, 2018
Anniversaries are times to reflect, to evaluate, but also to celebrate. Yesterday with its 60 Years of Musical Theatre: The Best of Maine State Music Theatre gala concert, the Brunswick theatre pulled out all the stops with a big, beautiful Diamond Jubilee gala that proved a stunning culmination to this milestone season. And indeed, six decades after Victoria Crandall launched her dream at the Pickard Theater on the Bowdoin College campus, MSMT can boast numerous reasons to celebrate its history, as well as its present accomplishments and future aspirations.
In a matinee and evening stagings that featured musical performances by twenty-one soloists and an ensemble of ten, as well a number of spoken tributes, Artistic Director Curt Dale Clark architected a program that was classy, heartfelt, and rich and deep in the talent it showcased. As with any commemorative event, the program tapped into nostalgia and memory but blended these with a strong sense of the vigorous, energetic, imposing presence this company has become - not only in Midcoast Maine but also as a force in national regional theatre.
Maine State Music Theatre Offers Free Concert On The Mall
by Julie Musbach - Aug 6, 2018
As part of Maine State Music Theatre's 60th Anniversary season, and as a thank to you the community that has supported it, the theatre will present a free concert - in collaboration with Brunswick Downtown Association - on the Brunswick Mall on Wednesday, August 15 at 5:30 PM.