Ghostlight Players to Bring BLOOD BROTHERS to the Stage
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Jul 18, 2023
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of 'Blood Brothers' as GHOSTLIGHT PLAYERS presents this mesmerizing musical. Experience the power and emotion of this beloved show as talented performers bring the story to life on stage. Don't miss out on this unforgettable performance at GHOSTLIGHT PLAYERS.
Sundog Theatre Seeks Play Submissions for SCENES FROM THE STATEN ISLAND FERRY 2018
by BWW News Desk - Oct 2, 2017
Attention playwrights! Sundog Theatre is seeking one-act play submissions for Scenes from the Staten Island Ferry 2018. 2018 marks Sundog Theatre's 16th annual presentation of new, original, short one-act plays about our favorite boat that takes passengers and tourists from Staten Island to Manhattan and back - the Staten Island Ferry.