The Cabaret Showdown is a monthly game show produced by Sound Street Productions in association with Frigid New York @ Horse Trade. This unique competition is a mixture of live karaoke and musical improvisation, with a game board. Contestants are asked to choose songs from various categories with no knowledge of what the song will be until 30 seconds before they sing. The winner from each month receives a free one hour showcase performance at the Kraine Theater presented the following month.
SHOW CHOIR! Cast Album Now Available
Sound Street Productions presents the first full-length recording of Show Choir! - The Musical with new orchestrations by Assaf Gleizner, and under the musical direction of Kenneth Gartman. Leading the studio cast is Kevin Duda (Beautiful, Book of Mormon /Broadway) and Tony nominee Christiane Noll (Ragtime, Jekyll & Hyde /Broadway) They are joined by additional cast members Bay Bryan (Growing Into My Beard,) John Raymond Barker (Vampire Drag Queen,) Taylor Coriell (Titanic National Tour,) Joshua Lance Dixon (2015 BISTRO Award,) Shira Elias (Turkuaz,) Julie Galorenzo (Show Choir! NYMF & FringeNYC,) Adam Glickman (Jimmy Nederlander Awards,) Carly Kincannon (NBC's Sing Off,) Mark Martin (Voca People,) Tegan Miller (Fancy Nancy National Tour) Michelle Millerick (Side Show/ Original Broadway Cast) Aubyn Peterson (Cabaret Showdown Champion) Tony Ponella (First Runner up, Michael Feinstein Great American Songbook) and Stuart Williams (Mind The Gap Theatre.) Casting by Wojcik/Seay Casting.
Kevin Duda and Christiane Noll to Lead SHOW CHOIR! - THE MUSICAL Studio Recording
Show Choir! - The Musical is a melodious mockumentary about America's favorite teen pastime...with jazz hands. This original musical comedy by Mark McDaniels and Donald Garverick has been developing in New York City since 2006, including an award winning production at the 2007 New York International Fringe Festival and a sold out run at the 2010 New York Musical Theatre Festival. Show Choir! also received acclaimed productions at the 2011 Edinburgh Fringe Festival and The American Conservatory Theatre - San Francisco in 2012.