Meet the Cast of THE NAP- Now in Previews!
by Julie Musbach - Sep 5, 2018
Manhattan Theatre Club's 2018-2019 season has kicked off with the American premiere of The Nap, get to know the cast below as they begin Broadway performances!
MRT Honors Congresswoman Niki Tsongas At Its 39th Anniversary Gala
by Julie Musbach - May 8, 2018
Merrimack Repertory Theatre (MRT) is proud to announce that it is honoring longtime supporter Congresswoman Niki Tsongas at its 39th Anniversary Gala on June 2, 2018, with proceeds supporting MRT's vital educational programs. Congresswoman Tsongas will be presented with the Donahue Award for Community Leadership, named for MRT founder Nancy L. Donahue, which honors an individual or organization that has contributed extraordinary effort, resources, and spirit to partnering with MRT as a leader in the Lowell community.
MRT Raises Record Amount for Education at Auction
by A.A. Cristi - Jun 15, 2017
Merrimack Repertory Theatre (MRT) raised $100,398 at the 2017 Set the Stage Celebration, for its education programs Student Matinees and Young Company. It is the most the 38-year-old theatre company has ever raised for its education offerings.