MET-X and Theatre FCC Premiere PIPER Tonight
by BWW News Desk - Aug 7, 2015
MET-X, of the Maryland Ensemble Theatre (MET), and Theatre FCC, of Frederick Community College, are collaborating on the world premiere play 'Piper', coming to the JBK Theater at Frederick Community College (7932 Opossumtown Pike, Frederick) from tonight, August 7 through 15.
MET-X and Theatre FCC to Premiere PIPER This August
by BWW News Desk - Jul 30, 2015
MET-X, of the Maryland Ensemble Theatre (MET), and Theatre FCC, of Frederick Community College, are collaborating on the world premiere play "Piper', coming to the JBK Theater at Frederick Community College (7932 Opossumtown Pike, Frederick) from August 7 through 15.