Tickets Now Available for LOMBARDI Through June 19
by Nicole Rosky - Jan 4, 2011
Fran Kirmser and Tony Ponturo, producers of Broadway's LOMBARDI, announced today that a new block of tickets will go on sale through June 19. They said, 'We are thrilled that theatergoers who love a great story have embraced LOMBARDI. But something else has happened night after night at Circle in the Square: people experiencing theatre for the first time have found our show. Sports fans and traditional theatergoers clearly have much in common: the story of Vince Lombardi's inspiring life has spoken to many people, and we are confident that the trend will continue. It is with enormous pride and great thanks to our hard working cast and crew that we are able to put tickets on sale through June 19.'
Photo Coverage: LOMBARDI Debuts Window Display at Circle in the Square Theatre on Broadway
by Jessica Lewis - Jun 4, 2010
On Thursday, October 21, 2010 producers Tony Ponturo and Fran Kirmser, along with executive producer Nicole Kastrinos, will open LOMBARDI at the Circle in the Square Theatre on Broadway, directed by Tony nominee Thomas Kail. Previews will begin Thursday, September 23, 2010, following a July 22-28 engagement at the Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Joining Ponturo and Kirmser as a special producing partner is the National Football League, marking the organization's first foray on Broadway.