PACE Hosts OUR URBAN JUNGLE With Music By Oliver, Kerrigan & Lowdermilk 5/7
by Gabrielle Sierra - Apr 21, 2009
On May 7th and 8th 2009, 8:00pm at the Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts, members of PACE University's Musical Theatre program will host an evening of song entitled 'Our Urban Jungle' featuring contemporary musical theatre works by composers Ryan Scot Oliver (2009 Jonathan Larson Grant recipient), Kerrigan & Lowdermilk (2006 Jonathan Larson Grant recipients), Pasek & Paul (2007 Jonathan Larson Award), David Dabbon & Tom Bruett, Drew Fornarola & Scott Elmegreen, Danny Larsen & Michele Elliott, Joshua Salzman & Ryan Cunningham, Jonathan Reid Gealt, Tony Asaro & Vadim Feichner, Gordon Leary & Karlan Judd in benefit to Artists Striving To End Poverty (ASTEP).