THE WAYWARD DAUGHTER OF JUDAH THE PRINCE to be Presented by Theater for a New City
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Aug 26, 2021
'The Wayward Daughter of Judah the Prince' by Douglas Lackey begins in Palestine in the late second century C.E. Learn how to get tickets to the show, in which Hannah is the dutiful and learned daughter of Judah the Prince, compiler of The Mishnah--the core section of The Talmud. She serves her father as his loyal daughter and scribe.
Photo Flash: First Look at Concrete Temple Theatre's THE BELLAGIO EXPERIENCE
by Tyler Peterson - May 1, 2015
Concrete Temple Theatre presents The Bellagio Experience: featuring a photography exhibition by Stefan Hagen, tours and panels on the topic of water, and the World Premiere play The Bellagio Fountain has been known to Make Me Cry, written by Renee Philippi, co-directed by Eric Nightengale and Renee Philippi, designed by Carlo Adinolfi, with original music composed by Joseph C. Phillips Jr. All events take place at Studio 301 at English Kills, located at 301 Ten Eyck Street between Waterbury and Bogarts Streets in Brooklyn, April 30 - May 3, 2015.
The Immediate Family's PEER GYNT Begins Tonight
by Tyler Peterson - Dec 5, 2014
The Immediate Family presents Henrik Ibsen's PEER GYNT, adapted by Scott Raker, from the English translation by William and Charles Archer, directed by Haas Regen. PEER GYNT features original music written and performed by Mackenzie Shivers, inspired by Edvard Grieg's score. PEER GYNT will be performed Friday, December 5th through Saturday, December 20th, at the Alchemical Theatre Laboratory (104 W 14th Street, NYC). The press opening is scheduled for Sunday, December 7th at 3 PM. Tickets are $17.00 and are now on sale via Ovation Tix -
The Immediate Family Presents Ibsen's PEER GYNT, Now thru 12/20
by BWW News Desk - Dec 5, 2014
The Immediate Family presents Henrik Ibsen's PEER GYNT, adapted by Scott Raker, from the English translation by William and Charles Archer, directed by Haas Regen. PEER GYNT features original music written and performed by Mackenzie Shivers, inspired by Edvard Grieg's score. PEER GYNT will be performed Today, December 5th through Saturday, December 20th, at the Alchemical Theatre Laboratory (104 W 14th Street, NYC). The press opening is scheduled for Sunday, December 7th at 3 PM. Tickets are $17.00 and are now on sale online at The Alchemical Theatre Laboratory's website -, or via Ovation Tix -
The Immediate Family to Present Ibsen's PEER GYNT, 12/5-20
by Tyler Peterson - Oct 31, 2014
The Immediate Family presents Henrik Ibsen's PEER GYNT, adapted by Scott Raker, from the English translation by William and Charles Archer, directed by Haas Regen. PEER GYNT features original music written and performed by Mackenzie Shivers, inspired by Edvard Grieg's score. PEER GYNT will be performed Friday, December 5th through Saturday, December 20th, at the Alchemical Theatre Laboratory (104 W 14th Street, NYC). The press opening is scheduled for Sunday, December 7th at 3 PM. Tickets are $17.00 and are now on sale online at The Alchemical Theatre Laboratory's website -, or via Ovation Tix -
Photo Flash: First Look at Trinity Rep's THE GRAPES OF WRATH
by BWW News Desk - Sep 10, 2013
Trinity Rep kicks off their 50th Anniversary season with John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, the definitive American tale of the strength of family and the human spirit set in the aftermath of the Great Depression. The Grapes of Wrath is now playing until October 6, 2013 in Trinity Rep's Dowling Theater. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast in action below!
Trinity Rep Presents THE GRAPES OF WRATH, Beg. Tonight
by BWW News Desk - Sep 5, 2013
Trinity Rep kicks off their 50th Anniversary season with John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, the definitive American tale of the strength of family and the human spirit set in the aftermath of the Great Depression. The Grapes of Wrath begins previews tonight, September 5, 2013 and runs until October 6, 2013 in Trinity Rep's Dowling Theater.
Trinity Rep to Present THE GRAPES OF WRATH, Begin. 9/5
by Tyler Peterson - Aug 16, 2013
Trinity Rep kicks off their 50th Anniversary season with John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, the definitive American tale of the strength of family and the human spirit set in the aftermath of the Great Depression. The Grapes of Wrath begins previews September 5, 2013 and runs until October 6, 2013 in Trinity Rep's Dowling Theater. Adapted for the stage by Frank Galati, this evocative and deeply affecting stage version promises to lift Steinbeck's novel to new heights of theatrical urgency, especially when married with director Brian McEleney's visceral storytelling style. Part naturalistic epic, part road novel, part inspirational gospel, The Grapes of Wrath boasts a 17 member cast and original folk-rock music from the show's band, 3pile. This production is sponsored by Taco/The White Family Foundation.
IT Awards Celebrate The Best Of Off-Off Broadway, Winners Announced
by Gabrielle Sierra - Sep 21, 2010
On Monday September 20, 2010, the IT Awards (New York Innovative Theatre Awards), the organization dedicated to celebrating Off-Off-Broadway, and host Lisa Kron, announced the 2010 recipients at the Sixth Annual IT Awards Ceremony at Cooper Union.
The New York Innovative Theatre Foundation Announces 2010 IT Awards Nominees
by Marivic Tagala - Jul 20, 2010
The New York Innovative Theatre Foundation, the organization dedicated to celebrating Off-Off-Broadway, announced the 2010 nominees at its annual sold-out event at the Carmine Street Recreation Center located at 25 Carmine Street. The 2010 IT Awards Ceremony will be on Monday, September 20, 2010.
Aeschylus' AGAMENNON to Run Nov. 12 - 29 at La MaMa E.T.C.
by BWW News Desk - Nov 29, 2009
Historically, English adaptations of Aeschylus' 'Agamemnon' have rendered its ancient Greek poetry into proven English poetic forms. The results have been often good and occasionally brilliant. Yet the original Greek meters provide clues as to how a section of a play was performed (sung, spoken or spoken to musical accompaniment). This has prompted Alexander Harrington, a director known for his mastery of oratorical theater, to attempt something radical: approximating Aeschylus' actual, original poetic meters in a new translation. This intrepid idea has resulted in a script of surprisingly clear stage speech and unusual poetic quality. It will debut November 12 to 29, 2009 in La MaMa's large Annex Theater, performed by The Eleventh Hour Theatre Company.
The Eleventh Hour Presents New Translation Of Aeschylus' AGAMEMNON At La MaMa 11/12-29
by BWW News Desk - Nov 29, 2009
Historically, English adaptations of Aeschylus' 'Agamemnon' have rendered its ancient Greek poetry into proven English poetic forms. The results have been often good and occasionally brilliant. Yet the original Greek meters provide clues as to how a section of a play was performed (sung, spoken or spoken to musical accompaniment).
Aeschylus' AGAMENNON to Run Nov. 12 - 29 at La MaMa E.T.C.
by BWW News Desk - Nov 12, 2009
Historically, English adaptations of Aeschylus' 'Agamemnon' have rendered its ancient Greek poetry into proven English poetic forms. The results have been often good and occasionally brilliant. Yet the original Greek meters provide clues as to how a section of a play was performed (sung, spoken or spoken to musical accompaniment). This has prompted Alexander Harrington, a director known for his mastery of oratorical theater, to attempt something radical: approximating Aeschylus' actual, original poetic meters in a new translation. This intrepid idea has resulted in a script of surprisingly clear stage speech and unusual poetic quality. It will debut November 12 to 29, 2009 in La MaMa's large Annex Theater, performed by The Eleventh Hour Theatre Company.
The Eleventh Hour Presents New Translation Of Aeschylus' AGAMEMNON At La MaMa 11/12-29
by BWW News Desk - Nov 12, 2009
Historically, English adaptations of Aeschylus' 'Agamemnon' have rendered its ancient Greek poetry into proven English poetic forms. The results have been often good and occasionally brilliant. Yet the original Greek meters provide clues as to how a section of a play was performed (sung, spoken or spoken to musical accompaniment).
Aeschylus' AGAMENNON to Run Nov. 12 - 29 at La MaMa E.T.C.
by Robert Diamond - Oct 25, 2009
Historically, English adaptations of Aeschylus' 'Agamemnon' have rendered its ancient Greek poetry into proven English poetic forms. The results have been often good and occasionally brilliant. Yet the original Greek meters provide clues as to how a section of a play was performed (sung, spoken or spoken to musical accompaniment). This has prompted Alexander Harrington, a director known for his mastery of oratorical theater, to attempt something radical: approximating Aeschylus' actual, original poetic meters in a new translation. This intrepid idea has resulted in a script of surprisingly clear stage speech and unusual poetic quality. It will debut November 12 to 29, 2009 in La MaMa's large Annex Theater, performed by The Eleventh Hour Theatre Company.
The Eleventh Hour Presents New Translation Of Aeschylus' AGAMEMNON At La MaMa 11/12-29
by Gabrielle Sierra - Oct 15, 2009
Historically, English adaptations of Aeschylus' 'Agamemnon' have rendered its ancient Greek poetry into proven English poetic forms. The results have been often good and occasionally brilliant. Yet the original Greek meters provide clues as to how a section of a play was performed (sung, spoken or spoken to musical accompaniment).