by Chloe Rabinowitz - Jul 22, 2020
Hunter College is hosting Speaking of Justice: Race, Racism and Reform, a series of virtual events featuring faculty, scholars and activists that address topics such as the history and current impact of protests, health inequities, controversial monuments, voting rights and voter suppression, and defunding police departments.
Hunter Theater Project Will Present MAC BETH
by Stephi Wild - Nov 13, 2019
Hunter College president Jennifer J. Raab announced today that Hunter Theater Project will present a strictly limited return engagement for Red Bull Theater's critically acclaimed production of Mac Beth, adapted and directed by Erica Schmidt, from the play by William Shakespeare.
UNCLE VANYA Extends Through October 28th At Hunter Theater Project
by Julie Musbach - Oct 1, 2018
The Hunter Theater Project at Hunter College (President, Jennifer J. Raab) announced a two-week extension today for the critically acclaimed New York premiere of Anton Chekhov's UNCLE VANYA, directed by Richard Nelson, at the Frederick Loewe Theater (E. 68th Street between Lexington and Park Ave). Translated by Richard Nelson, Richard Pevear, and Larissa Volokhonsky, and directed by Nelson, UNCLE VANYA began performances on Friday, September 7 and was originally scheduled to run through October 14.
Photo Flash: The Hunter Theater Project Celebrates Opening Night of UNCLE VANYA
by A.A. Cristi - Sep 18, 2018
The Hunter Theater Project at Hunter College (Hunter College President, Jennifer J. Raab) will officially open the New York premiere of Anton Chekhov's UNCLE VANYA, directed by Richard Nelson, on Sunday, September 16 at the Frederick Loewe Theater (E. 68th Street between Lexington and Park Ave). Translated by Richard Nelson, Richard Pevear, and Larissa Volokhonsky, this production marks the first time renowned Russian literature translators Pevear and Volokhonsky have had a work premiere in New York City, following its world premiere at The Old Globe in San Diego earlier this year. UNCLE VANYA began performances on Friday, September 7 and runs through Sunday, October 14.
Photo Flash: The Hunter Theater Project Presents UNCLE VANYA
by A.A. Cristi - Sep 13, 2018
The Hunter Theater Project at Hunter College (Hunter College President, Jennifer J. Raab) will officially open the New York premiere of Anton Chekhov's UNCLE VANYA, directed by Richard Nelson, on Sunday, September 16 at the Frederick Loewe Theater (E. 68th Street between Lexington and Park Ave). Translated by Richard Nelson, Richard Pevear, and Larissa Volokhonsky, this production marks the first time renowned Russian literature translators Pevear and Volokhonsky have had a work premiere in New York City, following its world premiere at The Old Globe in San Diego earlier this year. UNCLE VANYA began performances on Friday, September 7 and runs through Sunday, October 14.
Hunter Theater Project Announces Richard Nelson's UNCLE VANYA
by Julie Musbach - Jun 26, 2018
Hunter College President Jennifer J. Raab announced today the inaugural production of the Hunter Theater Project, the New York premiere of Anton Chekhov's UNCLE VANYA at the Frederick Loewe Theater at Hunter College (E. 68th Street and Lexington Avenue), directed by Richard Nelson. Translated byRichard Nelson, Richard Pevear, and Larissa Volokhonsky. This production is the first time renowned Russian literature translators Pevear and Volokhonsky will have a work premiere in New York City, following the show's world premiere at The Old Globe in San Diego, California. Previews for UNCLE VANYA begin Friday, September 7. The production runs through Sunday, October 14, with an official press opening on Sunday, September 16. Tickets are on sale now.
Alec Baldwin Will Be First Guest Lecturer Under New Hunter College Theatre Chair Gregory Mosher
by BWW News Desk - Sep 27, 2017
Hunter College President Jennifer J. Raab today announced the appointment of Gregory Mosher as a new Professor and the first Jay and Patty Baker Chair of Theatre, beginning this semester. As part of the growth of this department, Mosher has Alec Baldwin as a guest lecturer today, Wednesday, September 27th. There will be other special guests brought in to meet students throughout the year.
2016 Town Hall Gala to Honor Garrison Keillor's A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION
by BWW News Desk - Sep 28, 2016
On Sunday, October 23 at 4pm at the Princeton Club of New York (15 West 43rd Street), The Town Hall will hold its Annual Gala where they will honor Grammy & Peabody Award-winner Garrison Keillor's acclaimed program A Prairie Home Companion with The Town Hall Friend of the Arts Award (over 150 shows were broadcast live from The Town Hall stage).
Hunter College Art Gallery to Display BUREN, MOSSET, et al. Exhibit, 2/27
by Matt Smith - Feb 25, 2016
The Exhibition:
This exhibition marks the first critical examination of the significant, albeit brief, work of the BMPT Group, composed of Daniel Buren, Olivier Mosset, Michel Parmentier, and Niele Toroni in 1967.
MasterVoices Honored by Martina Arroyo Foundation at 11th Annual Gala
by Tyler Peterson - Dec 2, 2015
MasterVoices, formerly The Collegiate Chorale, was honored at the Martina Arroyo Foundation's11th Annual Gala.MasterVoices was recognized along with American couture designer Joanna Mastroianni and The Michel Maurel award-winner Ernst Rieser. Brian Kellow and Terrance McKnight hosted the gala, with performances by the young artists of Prelude to Performance, Jennifer Rowley, Michele Angelini and Cecilia Violetta Lopez (both featured in the October issue of Opera News), as well as other special guests.
Lincoln Center Launches New Initiative to Train and Certify Future Arts Educators
by BWW News Desk - Jul 8, 2014
Lincoln Center, in partnership with CUNY's Hunter College School of Education, the New York City Department of Education, and the United Federation of Teachers, today announced the Lincoln Center Scholars Alternative Certification Program, an innovative new initiative to educate, certify and fast-track over a three-year period the placement of high-quality music, dance, theater and visual art teachers in up to 120 New York City public schools, which are currently without adequate or any arts programs.