TheaterWorks Hartford and Community Partners In Action Host Fundraiser This Month
by Blair Ingenthron - Jul 8, 2023
TheaterWorks Hartford has announced that Thursday, July 13th at 5:30 PM, Executive Director Beth Hines and Prison Arts Program Manager Jeffrey Greene will join Honorary Chair Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin at TheaterWorks to help raise awareness for Community Partners in Action's mission and the long-term sustainability of CPA's Prison Arts Program.
Charter Oak Cultural Center To Dedicate Memorial To People Of Color Killed By Police Violence On September 12
by A.A. Cristi - Aug 25, 2022
In remembrance of the thousands of people of color wrongfully killed by the police in our country, Charter Oak Cultural Center commissioned a free-standing, double-sided memorial by painter, George Gould. A dedication of the memorial, featuring remarks by Mr. Gould, Charter Oak Executive Director Rabbi Donna Berman and Community Partners in Action Prison Arts Program Manager Jeffrey Greene, will be held on Monday, September 12 at 6:00 on the front lawn of the Charter Oak Cultural Center located at 21 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford, CT. The event is free and open to all.