Jeff Bolding currently serves as Director of "The Inspirational Voices of Abyssinian" of The Abyssinian Baptist Church, Rev. Dr Calvin Otis Butts, III, Pastor. In addition, Jeff currently serves as Assistant Choir Director for Bob Telson's and Lee Breuer's international sensation The Gospel at Colonus, performed at the Apollo Theatre, Harlem, NYC (20th anniversary production, 2004), The Vienna Arts Festival (2006), The Greek Arts Festival, Athens, Greece (June, 2008), and The Edinburgh Arts Festival, Edinburgh Scotland (August, 2010). Jeff presented for the New York World Science Festival, a collaboration concert, Music and the Brain with internationally renown author, neurologist, and humanitarian Dr. Oliver Sacks (May, 2008), World Science Festival Opening Gala, Lincoln Center, NYC (2009), and has collaborated with Nation to Nation Networking, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting youth and educational programs in the US, Africa, the Caribbean, and South America. He traveled to Ethiopia with 165 pilgrims from Abyssinian Baptist Church (commemorating The Ethiopian Orthodox Church's Millennium celebration and Abyssinian's 200th anniversary, 2007) where he presented a brief musical program on the history of Gospel music before the Ethiopian government. Jeff received a 2004 AUDELCO Award for his performance in Great Men of Gospel.