Dinner, Drama, and The Dead: The Return of an Irish Masterpiece
The Dead, 1904 is an immersive, theatrical adaptation of James Joyce’s novella “The Dead,” originally published in his Dubliners collection. Acclaimed literary couple Paul Muldoon and Jean Hanff Korelitz have brought this work to life with Irish Repertory Theatre for the fourth time this winter at the American Irish Historical Society.
Review Roundup: THE DEAD, 1904 at the Irish Rep
Next up at the Irish Repertory Theatre is The Dead, 1904, the immersive adaptation of James Joyce’s classic story. Adapted by the Pulitzer Prize-winning Irish poet Paul Muldoon and novelist Jean Hanff Korelitz, it is directed by Irish Rep co-founder Ciarán O’Reilly. Check out what the critics are saying about the new revival!
Úna Clancy Joins THE DEAD, 1904 at Irish Rep
The Dead, 1904, the immersive adaptation of James Joyce’s classic story, has announced a change in casting. Estelle Parsons has departed the production due to personal conflicts. “Aunt Kate” will be played by Irish actress Úna Clancy.
Matthew Broderick, Tony Shalhoub, and More Join the Roth Festival Line-Up
New Jersey Performing Arts Center announced the complete cast of its one-time dramatic reading of the late Philip Roth's bestselling novel The Plot Against America featuring some of the most esteemed actors working today in a monumental performance at the center of PHILIP ROTH UNBOUND: Illuminating a Literary Legacy, NJPAC's three-day celebration of the iconic writer.
Julianna Margulies to Take Part in New Victory Circle Salon
On Thursday, February 10th from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM ET New Victory Circle Salon will host a riveting and heartwarming conversation between award-winning actress Julianna Margulies and podcast producer Nina Korelitz Matza to discuss Margulies’ latest autobiography, Sunshine Girl: An Unexpected Life.