MODERN DANCE 101 Announced at Theatre at St. Jeans
by A.A. Cristi - May 3, 2021
'Modern Dance 101,' a program of rarely seen works by Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn, regarded as the Mother and Father of American Modern Dance, will be presented September 30-October 3, 2021 at the Theatre at St. Jeans, 150 East 76th Street, NYC.
Dancer/Choreographer Deborah Zall Passes Away
by A.A. Cristi - Dec 15, 2018
Dancer/choreographer Deborah Zall, a well known dramatic dancer and choreographer trained at the Martha Graham School passed away of pneumonia on December 11th in New York City.
Deborah Zall Project presents Dances by Dudley, Maslow, Sokolow, Zall, 5/12-13
by A.A. Cristi - May 9, 2017
The Deborah Zall Project will present a program of works by legendary modern dance choreographers Jane Dudley, Sophie Maslow and Anna Sokolow, along with dances by Deborah Zall, May 12 & 13 at 8 PM at the Martha Graham Studio Theater, 55 Bethune St. Zall has gathered an ensemble of artists, all former members of the Martha Graham Dance Company, to perform these timeless works that have been reconstructed by Abigail Blatt, Lynn Frielinghaus, Samantha Geracht, Martin Lofsnes, and Zall.
'The Deborah Zall Project: In The Company of Women' Set for Martha Graham Studio Theater, 5/13-14
by Tyler Peterson - Apr 12, 2016
Deborah Zall ( left the Martha Graham fold to pursue an independent career as a soloist, creating dramatic portrayals of women that are based primarily on works of dramatic literature. Her signature pieces include dances inspired by female characters drawn from Eugene O'Neill, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Tennessee Williams and F. Garcia Lorca. Last year, she was convinced to re-stage six of her classic female solos for past and present Martha Graham Dance Company members. The resulting evening, titled 'The Deborah Zall Project: In the Company for Women,' was mounted as an informal presentation in the Martha Graham Studio Theater in Westbeth. It proved so sensational that Ms. Zall was pressed to remount the evening this year as a full production. This time, it'll be done with four of her own pieces plus two complimentary works drawn from the Anna Sokolow Company. The concert will bear the same name and will be presented May 13 and 14, again at the Martha Graham Studio Theater, by Zall's nonprofit company, Classic Contemporary Dance Heritage Ltd.
Detroit Symphony Orchestra Celebrates Third Consecutive Surplus and More
by BWW News Desk - Dec 11, 2015
Phillip Wm. Fisher, Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) Board Chairman since December 2012, closed the 2015 Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) Annual Meeting of the Governing Members today as his last official order of business as Chairman. Mark Davidoff, Michigan Managing Partner at Deloitte LLP, was elected DSO Chairman by the Board of Directors during their meeting following the Governing Members' proceedings.