Vote For the 2017 BroadwayWorld Phoenix Awards; Just One Week Left!
by Alan Henry - Dec 22, 2017
The 2017 awards honor productions which opened between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2017. Nominations were completely reader-submitted and after the nomination period ended October 31, BroadwayWorld's local editors proofed the list for eligibility and errors.
Vote For the 2017 BroadwayWorld Phoenix Awards; Just Two Weeks Left!
by Alan Henry - Dec 15, 2017
The 2017 awards honor productions which opened between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2017. Nominations were completely reader-submitted and after the nomination period ended October 31, BroadwayWorld's local editors proofed the list for eligibility and errors.
Festival Schedule Announced for Tempe Center for the Arts, 9/9 & 10
by A.A. Cristi - Aug 21, 2017
The Bechdel Test Fest is offerings include a panel discussion, play readings, film screenings, children's workshops, music, and more! Plays and films from Arizona playwrights and filmmakers were selected by a panel of adjudicators and all pass the Bechdel Test: Two female-identifying characters who have a conversation with each other about something other than a man.
BWW Review: TWELFTH NIGHT Shakes With Hilarity
by Herbert Paine - Apr 1, 2016
Southwest Shakespeare Company's TWELFTH NIGHT, directed by David Vining, is a skillfully and smartly constructed and masterfully played production with scene pictures and performances that will linger well after the lights dim.