BWW Review: SILENT SKY at Detroit Mercy Theatre Company is Unexpectedly Brilliant!
by Katie Laban - Oct 23, 2019
Raise your hand if you have ever discovered something new, Googled it, found the Wikipedia page, which then made you go off on a flurry of related topics and suddenly time has just passed by? I'll raise both hands because I'm not ashamed to say that this happens to me often. Sunday was one of those days, all thanks to the fantastic production of Silent Sky at Detroit Mercy Theatre Company who educated me on Henrietta Leavitt. The Lauren Gunderson play is the fascinating true story about the 19th century astronomer who was hired to join a group of women a?oecomputersa?? and living in an age when women could neither vote nor express an original idea. Despite not being allowed to touch a telescope, Leavitt and her female colleagues at the Harvard Observatory made ground-breaking discoveries about the universe that remain vital more than a century later. The simplicity and elegance of this production of Silent Sky made the importance of Gunderson's words stand out to the audience and the cast of five worked seamlessly together to bring this impactful and moving production to life. It is a brilliant piece of Michigan theatre.
SEND NUDES Comes to The Butterfly Club Next Month
by BWW News Desk - Jun 20, 2017
James wants to be a handsome artist with a snuggly boyfriend. He wants to change the world and earn applause and delete all three of his sex apps. And he wants to write a cabaret about something more important than that.
Fresh Fruit Festival 15: Empowering Works of Art in Downtown New York
by Louisa Brady - Jun 11, 2016
The Fresh Fruit Festival encompasses theater, performance, poetry, comedy, spoken word, music, dance, visual arts and some talents that defy categorization. Artists come from around the city, nation and, the world. This season, more than a dozen exciting new works, including Chance, a musical from New Musical Theatre of San Francisco; The Fierce Urgency of NOW by New York theatre veteran, Doug DeVita; and the Compagnia KÖRPER dance company from Italy [pictured], and so much more will play at Wild Project, 195 East 3rd Street, NYC, July 11 through 24.
James Hardy Shares REFLECTIONS
by Christina Mancuso - Mar 17, 2016
James Hardy, a husband, veteran, Harvard graduate, retired orthopedic surgeon, avid reader, gardener, and devoted writer and author, has completed his newest work 'Reflections': a gripping and potent work about life, love, laughter and family.