REACH Starring Garrett Clayton, Jordan Doww, Joey Bragg, and Johnny James Fiore on DigitalHD and in Theatres October 19
by Macon Prickett - Jul 26, 2018
Freestyle Digital Media, the digital film distribution division of Byron Allen's Entertainment Studios, has acquired North American digital rights for REACH, the high-school drama about bullying from the perspective of the bully, the bullied, and the bystanders. REACH will debut on VOD and will be available to rent and own on digital HD across North American cable, internet, and satellite platforms through Freestyle Digital Media on October 19, 2018. Christian Meoli's Voltaire Media will theatrically release REACH in 10 major markets, day and date, including his Los Angeles theatre Arena Cinelounge, in Hollywood.
Midnight Releasing Screams WTF! Cable VOD and Digital HD Today
by BWW
News Desk - Aug 1, 2017
Midnight Releasing drops a bloodsoaked F-bomb August 1st on Cable VOD and Digital HD. The debut feature from director Peter Herro, WTF! follows the survivor of a mass murder on a relaxing trip with six close friends, when her nightmare threatens to begin again. WTF! will be available on Amazon Instant, iTunes, Xbox, Vimeo, Steam, Vudu and Google Play.
Midnight Releasing Screams WTF! Cable VOD and Digital HD 8/1
by Caryn Robbins - Jul 6, 2017
Midnight Releasing drops a bloodsoaked F-bomb August 1st on Cable VOD and Digital HD. The debut feature from director Peter Herro, WTF! follows the survivor of a mass murder on a relaxing trip with six close friends, when her nightmare threatens to begin again. WTF! will be available on Amazon Instant, iTunes, Xbox, Vimeo, Steam, Vudu and Google Play.
DOG SEES GOD Comes to the Santa Monica Playhouse Tonight
by BWW News Desk - Dec 6, 2014
Santa Monica Playhouse presents Dog Sees God Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead. This is a benefit produced by Cappricielli, Inc. and the Free Your Mind Projects. All net proceeds via ticket sales and crowd sourcing will be donated to the Trevor Project, a charity focusing on mental health, anti-bullying, and suicide prevention. Dog Sees God Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead plays from tonight, December 6th through Sunday, December 21st.
DOG SEES GOD Comes to the Santa Monica Playhouse, 12/6-21
by BWW News Desk - Dec 3, 2014
Santa Monica Playhouse presents Dog Sees God Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead. This is a benefit produced by Cappricielli, Inc. and the Free Your Mind Projects. All net proceeds via ticket sales and crowd sourcing will be donated to the Trevor Project, a charity focusing on mental health, anti-bullying, and suicide prevention. Dog Sees God Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead plays from Saturday, December 6th through Sunday, December 21st.