The Doppel Gang, a new comedy by Dominic Hedges, explores the wild wit of iconic comedy giants The Marx Brothers. Presented by Just Some Theatre Company, The Doppel Gang has generous helpings of British humour and humility.
The Doppel Gang, a new comedy by Dominic Hedges, explores the wild wit of iconic comedy giants The Marx Brothers. Presented by Just Some Theatre Company, The Doppel Gang has generous helpings of British humour and humility.
The Doppel Gang, a new comedy by Dominic Hedges, explores the wild wit of iconic comedy giants The Marx Brothers. Presented by Just Some Theatre Company, The Doppel Gang has generous helpings of British humour and humility.
Coward by James Martin Charlton will play the White Bear Theatre, London, directed by Terrence Mann, tonight 22nd of October - Sunday 10th of November 2013. Press night is set for Wednesday 23th October at 7:30pm.
Coward by James Martin Charlton will play the White Bear Theatre, London, directed by Terrence Mann, Tuesday 22nd of October - Sunday 10th of November 2013. Press night is set for Wednesday 23th October at 7:30pm.