LIC Arts Opens LIC Gallery Nights Starting Today
by BWW
News Desk - Sep 22, 2016
LIC Arts Open is proud to present LIC Gallery Nights, free monthly events where Long Island City's galleries and art spaces open their doors to the public in an after-hours celebration of art and culture. Taking place from 6:00-9:00 p.m. on the third Today of each month.
LIC Arts Opens LIC Gallery Nights Starting 9/22
by Molly Tracy - Sep 8, 2016
LIC Arts Open is proud to present LIC Gallery Nights, free monthly events where Long Island City's galleries and art spaces open their doors to the public in an after-hours celebration of art and culture. Taking place from 6:00-9:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.
California Legislature Recognizes Museums, Snoopy License Plate to Fund Museums
by Robert Diamond - May 25, 2014
The California State Legislature unanimously passed a bill yesterday with bipartisan support to recognize the essential role that museums have in the State of California as educational institutions. This overwhelming endorsement complements a program underway to put the beloved beagle Snoopy on California license plates and help fund the state's museums at the same time. In recognition of California Museums Month, Californians are invited to visit to pre-order their Snoopy license plates and support the vital work of museums in preserving and sharing our State's culture and heritage.