REVIEW: St. Louis Actors' Studio Presents Funny and Provocative Production of LOVE SONG
The first thing I was reminded of while watching John Kolvenbach's funny and intriguing play, LOVE SONG, was David Lynch's surreal cult film, ERASERHEAD, if only for the obvious comparisons that pop up between their respective protagonists. Henry, in ERASERHEAD, is a lonely daydreamer with an overactive and dark imagination, and so, to a degree, is Beane from LOVE SONG. But, the comparisons really end there. LOVE SONG follows an odd, melancholy, yet decidedly cheerier path, presenting its audience with a number of strong laughs, and plenty to chew on. The St. Louis Actors' Studio's current production is a charming and provocative delight, buoyed by a talented cast and sharp direction.