The National Theatre has released images for Anupama Chandrasekhar’s critically acclaimed The Father and the Assassin, directed by the Kiln Theatre’s Artistic-Director, Indhu Rubasingham.
The National Theatre has announced the full cast for Anupama Chandrasekhar’s critically acclaimed The Father and the Assassin, directed by the Kiln Theatre’s Artistic-Director, Indhu Rubasingham. This gripping new play by one of India’s most exciting playwrights, returns to the Olivier Theatre from 8 September.
The National Theatre has announced two new productions, Roald Dahl's The Witches, in a co-production with the Roald Dahl Story Company, and The Effect, in association with The Jamie Lloyd Company.
All new portraits have been released as casting has been announced for The Cherry Orchard at The Yard Theatre and HOME, Manchester. Check out the photos here!