BWW Feature: CHUBBY CHECKER at South Point Showroom
The Twist by Chubby Checker actually transformed the dance floor when people danced without touching each other. The music remains timeless as the performer celebrates the history of rock 'n' roll with his upcoming show at the South Point Showroom in Las Vegas.
bergenPAC Presents Aaron Neville w/special guest Evan Watson Saturday, November 16th
With My True Story, one of the world's finest singers is revisiting the music he grew up with, and adding a few new spins along the way. Aaron Neville's first release for Blue Note Records is a collection of twelve classic doo-wop numbers, performed in his utterly inimitable vocal style, and co-produced by Blue Note President Don Was and Keith Richards.
Oldies But Goodies Doo-Wop Concert Comes To PPAC 3/7
The biggest 'oldies but goodies' doo-wopp concert in decades will be coming to Providence Performing Arts Center (PPAC) on Saturday night, March 7, as seven major acts from the 1950's and 1960's come together on stage for HARVEY ROBBINS' ROYALTY OF DOO-WOPP AND ROCK 'N ROLL SHOW.
The president and founder of the Doo-Wopp Hall Of Fame Of America? has provided oldies but goodies to doo-wopp music lovers with concerts in Rhode Island and New England theaters since 1985, but the upcoming lineup at PPAC looms as one of the most fascinating ever.
Oldies But Goodies Doo-Wop Concert Comes To PPAC 3/7
The biggest 'oldies but goodies' doo-wopp concert in decades will be coming to Providence Performing Arts Center (PPAC) on Saturday night, March 7, as seven major acts from the 1950's and 1960's come together on stage for HARVEY ROBBINS' ROYALTY OF DOO-WOPP AND ROCK 'N ROLL SHOW.
The president and founder of the Doo-Wopp Hall Of Fame Of America? has provided oldies but goodies to doo-wopp music lovers with concerts in Rhode Island and New England theaters since 1985, but the upcoming lineup at PPAC looms as one of the most fascinating ever.