The Tank Presents Loop 243 in Residence 10/13
The Tank Space for Visual and Performing Arts presents a monthly installment this fall featuring the work of composers/percussionists Loop 243, along with their featured guests and collaborators.
The Tank Present Erik Friedlander and Emily Hope Price, 10/13
The Tank Space for Visual and Performing Arts presents a monthly installment this fall featuring the work of composers/percussionists Loop 243, along with their featured guests and collaborators. The programming of the residency highlights new work by Loop 243 with collaborations by multi-media artists, along with guest spots that showcase the duo's interests and influences.
The Tank Presents Loop 243 in Residence 10/13
The Tank Space for Visual and Performing Arts presents a monthly installment this fall featuring the work of composers/percussionists Loop 243, along with their featured guests and collaborators.
The Tank Present Erik Friedlander and Emily Hope Price, 10/13
The Tank Space for Visual and Performing Arts presents a monthly installment this fall featuring the work of composers/percussionists Loop 243, along with their featured guests and collaborators. The programming of the residency highlights new work by Loop 243 with collaborations by multi-media artists, along with guest spots that showcase the duo's interests and influences.