by Chantal Kunst - Apr 14, 2022
Vanavond gaat de theatervoorstelling Hotel Wonderland in première, de eerste grootschalige immersive theatervoorstelling van Nederland, ook wel 'onderdompeltheater' genoemd. Deze vorm van theater kent al succesvolle producties in New York (Sleep no More) en Londen en wordt gekenmerkt doordat er geen onderscheid is tussen zaal en podium. Bezoekers lopen rond door het decor en ontdekken zo de verschillende karakters en verhalen.
The Shelter Presents THIS IS A PLAY ABOUT ARTISTS at FringeNYC, Beg. Tonight
by BWW News Desk - Aug 9, 2013
The Shelter - an ensemble of theatrical artists - begins its fifth season with THIS IS A PLAY ABOUT ARTISTS by Ginger Kearns as part of the 17th annual New York International Fringe Festival. THIS IS A PLAY ABOUT ARTISTS, which plunges the audience between two ex-lovers as they use art to relive and explore their tragic love affair, will be performed at Fringe Venue #2: CSV Flamboyan (107 Suffolk Street, btw Rivington and Delancey) in Manhattan. Nicole Rosner will direct.
The Shelter to Present THIS IS A PLAY ABOUT ARTISTS at FringeNYC, Begin. 8/9
by Tyler Peterson - Jul 30, 2013
The Shelter - an ensemble of theatrical artists - begins its fifth season with THIS IS A PLAY ABOUT ARTISTS by Ginger Kearns as part of the 17th annual New York International Fringe Festival. THIS IS A PLAY ABOUT ARTISTS, which plunges the audience between two ex-lovers as they use art to relive and explore their tragic love affair, will be performed at Fringe Venue #2: CSV Flamboyan (107 Suffolk Street, btw Rivington and Delancey) in Manhattan. Nicole Rosner will direct. The show will play Friday, August 9 at 7:00pm; Saturday, August 10 at 9:30pm; Wednesday, August 14 at 10:00pm; Saturday, August 17 at 5:00pm; Sunday, August 18 at 12 noon.
The Shelter Presents the SOARWARD HOLIDAY PARTY at The Dumbo Loft Tonight
by BWW News Desk - Dec 12, 2012
The Shelter - a New York City based indie theatre company, now celebrating their fourth season producing original works of theater written, directed, and acted by members of 'The Shelter family' - will kick off their 2012-2013 season with a one-night-only, immersive ensemble theatre experience: the SOARWARD HOLIDAY PARTY tonight, December 12 at 7:30pm at The Dumbo Loft (155 Water Street) Brooklyn, NY.
The Shelter Presents the SOARWARD HOLIDAY PARTY at The Dumbo Loft, 12/12
by BWW News Desk - Dec 10, 2012
The Shelter - a New York City based indie theatre company, now celebrating their fourth season producing original works of theater written, directed, and acted by members of 'The Shelter family' - will kick off their 2012-2013 season with a one-night-only, immersive ensemble theatre experience: the SOARWARD HOLIDAY PARTY on Wednesday, December 12 at 7:30pm at The Dumbo Loft (155 Water Street) Brooklyn, NY.
Photo Flash: First Look at THE SHELTER PRESENTS: ART
by BWW
News Desk - Apr 22, 2012
The Off-Broadway theatre company The Shelter presents its world premiere of its newest work, THE SHELTER PRESENTS: ART. Preview performances begin tonight, April 19, prior to an official press opening of April 22, at the Flamboyan Theater (at the CSV Cultural Center, 107 Suffolk Street) in Manhattan. See a first look at photos from the production below!
Photo Flash: First Look at THE SHELTER PRESENTS: ART
by BWW News Desk - Apr 19, 2012
The Off-Broadway theatre company The Shelter presents its world premiere of its newest work, THE SHELTER PRESENTS: ART. Preview performances begin tonight, April 19, prior to an official press opening of April 22, at the Flamboyan Theater (at the CSV Cultural Center, 107 Suffolk Street) in Manhattan. See a first look at photos from the production below!
THE SHELTER PRESENTS: ART Begins Previews 4/19
by Kelsey Denette - Mar 6, 2012
The Off-Broadway theatre company The Shelter will present the world premiere of their newest work, THE SHELTER PRESENTS: ART. Preview performances begin April 19, prior to an official press opening of April 22, at the Flamboyan Theater (at the CSV Cultural Center, 107 Suffolk Street) in Manhattan.
BWW Reviews: FAIRY TALE Too Twisted to Have Happily Ever After
by Christina Mancuso - Dec 6, 2011
The Off-Broadway Shelter Theatre presents FAIRY TALE, of five original short plays inspired by the stories of The Brothers Grimm, Washington Irving, and Charles Perrault. Each story is a unique take on classic fairy tales, but unfortunately, there is hardly any semblance of the originals as these stories remain strange and often quite disturbing.
The Shelter Presents FAIRY TALE, Previews 12/1
by Gabrielle Sierra - Nov 23, 2011
The Off-Broadway theatre company The Shelter - an ensemble of writers, directors and actors who collaboratively develop original works for the New York stage - will present the world premiere of their newest work FAIRY TALE, five original short plays inspired by the stories of The Brothers Grimm, Washington Irving and Charles Perrault.
The Shelter Presents FAIRY TALE, Previews 12/1
by Gabrielle Sierra - Nov 3, 2011
The Off-Broadway theatre company The Shelter - an ensemble of writers, directors and actors who collaboratively develop original works for the New York stage - will present the world premiere of their newest work FAIRY TALE, five original short plays inspired by the stories of The Brothers Grimm, Washington Irving and Charles Perrault.
The Shelter Presents FAIRY TALE, Previews 12/1
by Gabrielle Sierra - Nov 2, 2011
The Off-Broadway theatre company The Shelter - an ensemble of writers, directors and actors who collaboratively develop original works for the New York stage - will present the world premiere of their newest work FAIRY TALE, five original short plays inspired by the stories of The Brothers Grimm, Washington Irving and Charles Perrault.
The Shelter Presents FAIRY TALE, Previews 12/1
by Gabrielle Sierra - Oct 31, 2011
The Off-Broadway theatre company The Shelter - an ensemble of writers, directors and actors who collaboratively develop original works for the New York stage - will present the world premiere of their newest work FAIRY TALE, five original short plays inspired by the stories of The Brothers Grimm, Washington Irving and Charles Perrault.
The Shelter Presents NIGHT WINDOWS at WorkShop Theatre, 5/5 -15
by BWW
News Desk - May 5, 2011
Every apartment window offers glimpses of the lives inside. In the dramatic anthology Night Windows, The Shelter presents three one-act works each with a nocturnal look at the inhabitants of one apartment at different places in time: people forced to face a moment of great change, whether they want to or not. Based on Edward Hopper's famous and haunting painting of the same name, Night Windows will be performed at the WorkShop Theater Company's Main Stage venue, located at 312 West 36th Street. Members of the press are invited as of the May 6th performance.