Glass Contraption Announces The Triumphs and Disasters of Human Existence...10/3
Brooklyn-based theater and media company, The Glass Contraption, has assembled a diverse, all-star line up of bands, comedians, comic dancers, filmmakers and variety performers for The Triumphs and Disasters of Human Existence Presented to You, the good people of Brooklyn and the surrounding boroughs!, an evening of comedy, music, theater, film and 'new vaudeville', celebrating the highest highs and lowest lows of human experience.
Glass Contraption Presents The Triumphs and Disasters of Human Existence... 10/3
Brooklyn-based theater and media company, The Glass Contraption, has assembled a diverse line up of bands, comedians, comic dancers, filmmakers and variety performers for The Triumphs and Disasters of Human Existence Presented to You, the good people of Brooklyn and the surrounding boroughs!, an evening of comedy, music, theater, film and "new vaudeville", celebrating the highest highs and lowest lows of human experience.
Glass Contraption Announces The Triumphs and Disasters of Human Existence...
Brooklyn-based theater and media company, The Glass Contraption, has assembled a diverse, all-star line up of bands, comedians, comic dancers, filmmakers and variety performers for The Triumphs and Disasters of Human Existence Presented to You, the good people of Brooklyn and the surrounding boroughs!, an evening of comedy, music, theater, film and 'new vaudeville', celebrating the highest highs and lowest lows of human experience.