Con il musical Rent è molto difficile sbagliare tanta è l’emozione che riesce a suscitare ad ogni sua rappresentazione. Rent ha marcato un’epoca, opera quasi unica del compianto Jonathan Larson che perse la vita per un rottura d’aneurisma il giorno della prima generale del suo capolavoro che gli valse due Tony Awards postumi. Il suo universo, stroncato in modo così repentino ha comunque stabilito un punto di rottura tra il musical tradizionale e il musical del “dopo Rent”.
"pera Y Piezas Navideñas Dentro Del Ciclo Música INBAL En El Munal
En el marco del programa Música INBAL en el Munal, que organiza la Coordinación Nacional de Música y Ópera (CNMO) del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (INBAL), con el propósito de brindar en este espacio museístico alternativas musicales y de esparcimiento a los visitantes, se ofrecerá el Recital de Navidad, integrado por una serie de fragmentos de óperas destacadas y piezas de la temporada decembrina.
Photos: LA BOHEME at Opera San Jose
San Jose Opera's production of La Bohème is currently being presented through December 1, 2024 at the California Theatre in San Jose. Check out the production photos here!
Review: SAN DIEGO OPERA PRESENTS LA BOHÈME at San Diego Civic Center
What did our critic think of SAN DIEGO OPERA PRESENTS LA BOHÈME at San Diego Civic Center?
San Diego Opera celebrated the opening of its 60th season with Giacomo Puccini’s La bohème, the same opera the company staged to open its first season. Its magnificent melodies, a touchingly tragic love story, and arias that are among the most beautiful ever written have made it one of the world’s most performed operas for many years, an obvious choice for attracting audiences and donors.
The story begins in a bohemian Parisian garret where Rodolfo, a young writer, rooms with a painter, a musician and a philosopher. Money is scarce, and the only source of heat is a small stove. With no wood left to burn, Rodolfo begins to use pages from the manuscript of a play he’s writing for what few moments of heat they can provide. When the flames die down a roommate comments, “It opened and closed on the same night.”
Review: MOULIN ROUGE at Orpheum Memphis
Truth. Beauty. Freedom. Love. The Bohemian ideals combined with a spectacular medley of tunes, some incredible choreography, and a love story for the ages.
Música INBAL Por La Ciudad Llega Al Instituto Nacional De Ciencias Médicas Y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
El Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (INBAL), a través de la Coordinación Nacional de Música y Ópera (CNMO), invitan al público a asistir a las presentaciones que se llevarán a cabo en el marco del programa Música INBAL por la ciudad, con la participación de la soprano Zulyamir Lopezríos y el pianista Alfredo Isaac Aguilar, que tendrán lugar en la Casa Universitaria del Libro de la UNAM, el sábado 26 de octubre a las 17:00 h, y en el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán el jueves 31 de octubre a las 18:00 h.